The Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries as present constituted consists of a
appointed by the Governor, and Wardens who are recommended by the
Commissioner, appointed
by the Governor and confirmed by the Council; also in rare instances, Deputy
responsible directly to the Commissioner. For many years, while the value of the
industry to the
State, as is shown by previous table, has enormously increased and the volume of
business and
detail to be cared for become larger in proportion, the appropriation for the entire
expense of the
Department has remained fixed at $15,000. This sum is inadequate now and has
been for some
time to provide for the needs of the Department. Hon. A. R. Nickerson, my
predecessor in office,
very strongly urged an increase in appropriation, and refers to the same in the 29th
Report of this
Department, page 87. I wish to state that it is impossible to maintain a proper
efficiency without an
increase in appropriation. The Department has a system of annual, monthly and
weekly reports,
which give very thorough information as to every branch of the
fisheries,—production, value,
shipments, violations, etc.,—and as the weekly report is a daily report for every
week, the
Commissioner is in constant and close touch with the whole seacoast through the
warden service.
These weekly or daily reports are of the greatest value, not only in giving
accurate information, but
in locating a warden at a given time and therefore checking up any particular
territory as being
covered or not covered by the warden service. Lack of funds has been a very serious
handicap in
this direction.
One recommendation alone which I have made for new legislation; viz., the
licensing of those
engaged in any branch of the lobster industry, it is hoped will bring about a great
change as to the
violations of the law ; so that fines, which have heretofore been added to the
Department funds, but
decreasing in amount each year, will be very largely reduced. There will be a large
amount of
additional work, both oversight, clerical and warden, in properly issuing, keeping a
record and
protecting the holders of approximately 3,000 licenses. I mention this proposition to
bring out more
clearly the fact that the Department will have a much reduced income from fines to
be added
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 11
to its regular appropriation; and the net income from licenses will not make up
this loss. I have
attempted to demonstrate above that the warden service of itself requires more
funds. With all bills
of the Department paid, as approved and allowed by the Auditor up to November 1,
1908, with
November and December yet to be paid, there was a balance in the Treasury to the
credit of the
general appropriation for the Department of $19.53, the bills for November and
remaining to be paid out of money heretofore collected from fines. It therefore seems
clear that for
the next two years it would be impossible to carry on this Department at its present
grade of
efficiency without an increase in appropriation.
In accordance with requests issued to the head of every department in this State
by the State
Auditor, I have furnished to him an estimate of the appropriation necessary to
properly conduct this
Department for the years 1909 and '10. This statement shows the estimated
requirements in detail.
It is the present policy of the Department to furnish all possible information to
those interested in
the fisheries, in such a manner that they may understand that the present laws are
as a whole wise
laws and it is for the best interests of all to observe them. I refer particularly to the
lobster industry,
and I believe that the fishermen today as a class look upon the laws as being
beneficial to them;
are beginning to appreciate the fact that scientific and methodical preservation and
propagation will
furnish them for years to come a good business; and that a failure to comply with
the present laws
would mean the practical destruction of an industry from which 15,000 persons now
obtain a
Up to a comparatively recent date it was a general idea that the fisheries were
inexhaustible, and laws regulating them were looked upon by fishermen as
restrictive and
burdensome. At the present time, however, it has been shown beyond the shadow of
a doubt that
the fisheries, like every other industry, require certain care and attention in order
that they may be
preserved. I believe that today all interested in the industries not lily are willing to
acknowledge but
believe that this is the proper way to look at the situation.
January 26, 1907, the Lobster Fisherman's National Protective Association was
organized with
numerous branches throughout the State, and the underlying principle of the organ-
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 12
ization is the protection of the fishermen's interests. This organization has
accepted, and now
urges its members and even those not enrolled in its membership to live up to the
present lobster
laws, and this because they believe that the laws are for their best interests. These
branches have
been of great assistance to this Department in educating the people as to the real
benefit of our
laws and in bringing about the feeling that it is for the interest of the members to
abide by them, not
a feeling of fear of the law and the consequences of violation.
For the purposes of this report it is neither necessary nor practical to give
detailed information or
recommendations as to all the smaller branches of the fishing industry of this State,
as many take
care of themselves and others are of too minor importance; but on the other hand,
some of the
most important should be considered and recommendations made as to corrective
and additional
legislation, and these will be taken up in alphabetical order.
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 13
This variety of fish at one time was of great commercial value to the State, but at
the present time
is comparatively of very little value. One reason for this decrease seems to be that
proper care
has not been taken to provide suitable fishways, the only means by which this fish
can go from salt
water into fresh for the purpose of spawning. Another well-defined cause for the
gradual failure of
the industry is the pollution of our fresh waters through chemicals and water from
mills, especially
from sawmills, which gradually raises the bed of the stream and especially fills up
pools below the
dams, where the fish bunch-up before taking the fishways for fresh water.
There are apparently no other reasons for the almost practical failure of this
industry. In a great
measure the fault rests not so much with the law which gives the control of this
industry to certain
towns bordering on spawning streams as with fish committees appointed by the
towns who fail to
see that proper channels in the form of fishways are provided and courses for the
return of the
young fish to salt water. Private interests in dams and water privileges are too often
where beyond a trifling expense, no harm could possibly be done if proper ways and
courses are
There are both general and special laws providing for the alewife catch, and
many of the special
laws are very old, so that towns should each year derive a substantial financial
benefit from the
catch. Some towns, through their fish committee properly appointed, attend to this
matter; with
others it is a dead letter. It does not seem practical by legislation to take away the
towns rights in
the fisheries, but all the present laws relating to this industry should be so modified
strengthened that it will be obligatory both upon the towns to perform their duty in
selecting a fish
committee and upon the fish committee when chosen to perform their duty also.
The catch of bass is of very slight commercial importance to the State and
apparently an industry
which it is not practical at the present time to attempt to develop.
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 page 14.
The success of the clam industry probably directly or indirectly affects more
citizens of this State
than that of any other of the fisheries. It is one of our most valuable food and
commercial species.
The supply has been decreasing constantly for a number of years, from over-digging
the flats and
the absence even of any attempt to re-stock or propagate. It has been demonstrated
that clams at
their best should not exceed a medium size, which they will under favorable
conditions attain from
the seed in two years. It has also been found that flats which have not been dug for
a number of
years produce a large, tough and unmerchantable article of food. This would seem
to demonstrate
that some provision should be made for re-stocking flats, and also, as a practical
matter, all flats
should be dug over every two or three years at the longest.
There are but two general laws now which attempt to regulate the production of
taking of clams.
One is a law which gives towns the right to issue licenses to residents of that town,
and the other
which provides that small reservations may be set aside by the Commissioner of Sea
and Shore
Fisheries for experimental purposes.
The town law is not generally taken advantage of, as it is necessary for the town at a
town meeting
to vote upon the question as to whether they will or will not issue licenses, and very
few towns take
any action whatever. If every town in the State which has clam flats within its limits
took advantage
of the law, I do not believe it would be a practical solution of the present trouble.
Something more is
In reference to the reservations which have heretofore been made, it can
truthfully be said that
they have accomplished in a measure the purpose for which they were intended ;
viz., it has been
shown that clams can be propagated from seed ; that flats should be completely dug
over at
intervals, not exceeding two years ; that if they are not dug over the result is an
At a meeting of the commissioners of sea and shore fisheries of the New
England states held in Boston December 7, 1908, one of the most important matters
considered was the proper care of oyster, quahog and clam beds.- The states of
Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts,
especially Rhode Island,
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 15
have long given particular scientific and practical attention to the proper
development of shellfish.
The system adopted by Rhode Island is to lease beds to citizens for a given term of
years, and the
result has demonstrated beyond a question that such a method is successful in the
highest degree,
both to the lessee from a financial standpoint and particularly in reference to the
development of
the product as to quality. The conditions in Maine were carefully taken up, and it
was the
unanimous opinion of those present that a similar method should be adopted as to
clam beds in
this State.
As far as is known there has been no change in the quality of the common Maine
clam, the
ordinary gray clam running from medium to very large size. These clams are not as
valuable when
shipped to markets outside the State as those from other sections where a smaller,
thinner shell
clam with whiter, tenderer meat is produced. There is no reason why,—if a system of
leasing flats
were adopted, putting in the hands of private individuals the cultivation of the flats,
to whose interest
it would be to improve the quality as well as to increase the quantity,—this State
should not
compete with or excel any other of the New England states in the quality, quantity
and value of this
industry. I recommend a law providing for the leasing of flats to individuals for a
term of years, with
proper provisions as to re-planting and digging over every year; and if a practical
method could be
devised of measuring clams a provision also made that clams under two inches in
length should not
be used for any, purpose but left in the flats and considered as seed.
Suggestion has been made that a close time be arranged so that one-half the
flats shall be open to
be dug in alternate years. I do not think that this is necessary, providing a law as
indicated above is
(There are inserted in this report cuts of clams at various -ages, which will be
instructive as to
showing size, etc.)
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 16
This is one of the minor varieties to which very little attention is paid and of
which about the same
amount are caught each year in the same localities. The industry takes care of itself,
and no
general legislation seems to be necessary.
general 6
This is one of the largest fisheries of the State and one in which a large number
of our people are
employed. It has not been necessary for the State to pass any general protective
laws in reference
to these deep-sea fish. The industry has heretofore taken care of itself. There are a
few special
laws well framed for their intended use. We know little of their habits. The supply oil
this coast
continues about the same from year to year, there is a comparatively slight variance,
due largely to
weather conditions and value of the fish ill the market. The value of the industry to
the fishermen lit
this State is approximately $t,000,- 000 per year. This represents only the catch
landed in the State
and does not represent the catch taken by vessels from other states, especially
which in the aggregate would probably amount to about as much more.
There is at present a special law prohibiting netting for codfish at the mouth of
the Sheepscot river.
The purpose of the law is to prevent the destruction of female cod, who school
in large numbers
going up die Sheepscot river to the spawning beds. For some unknown reason this
locality seems
to be the only known point where a large number of cod are collected at one time for
this purpose.
Since the law was passed prohibiting the use of nets, the fishermen have
continued to use trawls,
lit a measure thus defeating the purpose of the protection intended: and I
recommend an
amendment to the present law which shall also prohibit the use of trawls within the
same limits.
This is one of our most valuable species of food fish. It is used in a great many
different ways,
more than any other fish found ill Maine waters. Undoubtedly the largest number are
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 17
used by, and the greatest value produced front, the sardine factories, as they are
not only ready
but always searching for more even of a certain sized small herring than can
usually be obtained
during the canning season. The larger fish appear in the form of bloaters, pickled
and smoked
herring, and for the latter there is a very large demand. Also they are the principal
bait which can be
obtained for use by deep-sea and lobster fishermen, and as such are very important
to the general
fishing industry.
There are a large number of laws which attempt to regulate the catch of herring.
Most of these laws were written and passed by the legislature through the influence
and in the interest of . certain localities. Many of them are drawn with great
looseness, so that it is almost impossible to
determine the meaning and intent of and territory covered by a given law. In some
cases there
are special laws which actually conflict with one another. If possible, these special
laws should be
wiped entirely out of our statutes. If this is not possible, they should be thoroughly
revised by those now interested so that not only apparent but real conflicts in the
same will be done away with.
Many of them are at the present time a source of annoyance, trouble and expense to
the localities and fisherman, and it is almost impossible for this Department to make
an impartial enforcement of
laws in such a chaotic state.
I wish to call special attention to the laws which divide the
waters of this State at White Head and establish different
regulations east and west of that point. West of White Head it is
not legal to run a seine within one thousand feet of a weir.
East of White Head the distance is extended to one-half mile.
I believe that the weirmen who have a large amount of money
invested in their shore properties should have ample protection,
and if there were no law at the present time protecting them I
should favor one. It is, however, my opinion that if fishing is
not allowed within one thousand feet of a weir it becomes a
fair proposition to both seiners and weirmen. Careful inquiry
has been made as to the working of the one thousand feet law
of White Head, and also practical, unprejudiced men in the
eastern part of the State have expressed the opinion that one
thousand feet, a fair limit. In view of the working of the
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 18
law to the westward and other information obtained by this Department,
I recommend a uniformity in the law and a fixed limit of one thousand feet.
We now come to the variety of fish in which the general public seem to be more
interested than any
other; to which the New England states and the national government are Giving a
areal (lea] of
attention : and from which the fishermen of the State derive a larger revenue than
from any other
branch of the fisheries. The market demand for this fish is practically unlimited. The
State of Maine
produces more lobsters than all the other states combined, and this is primarily due
to the fact that
our entire stretch of seacoast furnishes a perfectly natural and normal breeding and
living place for
this species, the temperature of the water and character of the bottom being that
best suited to the
habits of a lobster. Secondarily, the present production and any further increase is
and will be due
to the protection given the female and young of the species by wise enactments of
the legislature.
During the year 1908 approximately 18,000,000 pounds of lobsters were caught
in Maine waters
and there can be no question but that with a continuance of the present policy of
propagation and
protection, with the aid of additional laws, to be asked for this session of the
legislature, this catch
call be very largely increased. Many years ago one of the leading industries
connected with the
fisheries were the canning factories. These flourished at a time when lobsters were
very plentiful,
and the regular market price was one cent a pound to the factories and three cents
apiece for
large lobsters for private use. The fishing season then extended from March to
rough weather in
the fall, no fishing being done during the winter months. These factories preferred
small lobsters,
and it would be impossible to estimate the enormous number of young lobsters used
by them even
in a single season. These factories were the first cause of a large decrease in the
annual catch. A
law was finally passed making the legal length for canning the same as for ordinary
use and it was
hoped that the decrease would cease: but the closing of the factories did not stop
the destruction
of small lobsters. neither did it give the proper protection to the seed-bearing
The fishermen still continue to
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 19
use the small lobster, even using them for cunner trap bait and hen-food. They
also continued,
after it became illegal to do so, to rub the seed from the spawn of female lobster, and
sell them to
the lobster buyers with the other market lobsters. These practices were not only
common, but the
usual methods of most fishermen. Is it any wonder that the catch became smaller
and smaller each
year until corrective measures were taken? Finally our legislature passed a law
making it illegal
to have in possession any lobster below a prescribed length, ten and one-half
inches, now three
and three-fourths inches body measure; and made a general appropriation for the
Department of Sea and Shore fisheries, which provided funds, for a warden service
to enforce the
Another law was also passed for the protection of the seed or egg-bearing
lobster by which the
Commissioner of this Department was authorized to buy the seed lobsters of the
fishermen and
have the eggs removed and hatched artificially, or the lobster released with eggs
attached to breed
naturally. These methods of protection have been used for several years, and I am
pleased to say
the results are beneficial, as the lobster supply of this State is on the increase. The
service, small from lack of funds is inadequate to cope with the problem of
protecting the small
lobster. Within the last few years a majority of the lobster fishermen have been
convinced that it is
to their disadvantage as a business proposition to destroy the small lobster, and at
the present
time are co-operating with the Department, giving it very material assistance. In my
opinion, if the
present system is pursued it must necessarily show a very large increase in the
lobster supply in
the near future. The federal government, with a hatchery established at Boothbay
Harbor, are
doing wonders for this industry. If they adopt the plans now formulating: viz., to hold
the fry or small
lobster after hatching until they are of sufficient size to be self-protecting it will
greatly increase the
benefits derived from this source. Some other New England states have laws that
make the
minimum legal length of lobsters nine inches.
Their experience front using lobsters (of that size has been that they are
practically exterminating
the species. At a meeting recently held in Boston. which was attended by
commissioners and
representatives of the several states, it was unanimously
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 20
agreed that the Maine legal length, method of measurement, etc., are the best to
Resolutions were adopted instructing the commissioners and representatives to
so advise their
several legislatures at their next session and to urge the adoption of the Maine
method. This
decision was arrived at after most careful consideration of the existing conditions
and laws in each
state. I wish to state that if the additional legislation asked for at the next session of
our legislature
is granted, in addition to the laws already on our statute books pertaining to this
fishery, I believe
the catch can be very largely increased, thus aiding the fishermen, and at the same
time making
lower prices to the consumer.
(Instructive cuts are inserted in this report showing sizes of lobsters at different
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 21
This fish, once so abundant in our waters, has practically disappeared. While
there are a few being
caught each season on our coast, it is not pleasant to note the change from thirty
years ago, when
practically every harbor and bay on the coast of Maine was teeming with this, one of
the best food
fish. The reason for their disappearance is problematic, and up to the present time,
there has been
no satisfactory solution offered.
Menhaden are one of the species that have practically abandoned our coast;
but as they are a
migratory fish appearing and disappearing on different sections of the coast, they
may return any
season. Very little is known of their habits.
The experiment of propagating oysters in this State has been a failure, although
there are some of
the oysters still living on the beds. For unknown reasons they do not seem to thrive
or multiply as
they do in waters further south, and the general opinion is that our climate, and
seacoast bottom is
not adapted to their cultivation.
The salmon is considered by many the finest food fish which comes to Maine
waters. It is a
migratory fish and formerly came in large numbers to our rivers to spawn. Every river
importance in the State had its spawning bed and the fish were taken in large
numbers. The catch
has been decreasing from year to year until it yields but a very small portion of its
former return. It
seems a perfectly satisfactory explanation of the present practical failure of this
industry to say
that the fish are unable now, except in few localities, to reach the spawning beds in
fresh water and
that the pollution of our rivers by refuse from mills has practically driven them away.
In this respect
the same condition exists as in the alewife fishery; viz., a failure which seems
almost criminal to
provide suitable fishways whereby the salmon can reach the spawning beds and
also to
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 22
provide a runway or other method so that the young may return to salt water.
The-present use of
flash-boards on the top of dams results in keeping the young above the dam, or else
they have to
go down with the power under the mill. This most important fish is one of the
species which seems
to come under the jurisdiction at one time of the Sea and Shore Fisheries, and at
another of the
Inland Fish and Game Commissioners. Arrangements should be jointly made by
Departments for the better protection of the industry and the enforcement of laws
which may bring
back its former value.
The scallop industry is comparatively a new one in this State, although they
have been taken in the
other New England states for a number of years. The Maine scallop is unlike that of
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, in that it is very much larger and thrives in deeper
water. Until
the advent of the motor boat for dragging and the motor engine and drum for
hoisting the dredge,
the scallop fishery was not prosecuted in Maine on account of the great depth of
water in which
they are taken; but since the power boat came into such general use the fishery has
increased, and the present year, 1908, shows the largest catch of scallops in the
history of Maine.
Scallops were first taken by dragging in Washington and Hancock counties.
Some of the beds
were dredged almost to the point of exhaustion. It was evident that something must
be done in the
way of protecting the industry, and a close time for certain localities, running from
early spring to
late in the fall, was enacted.
The scallop fishery in Knox county has become an industry of considerable
importance. In
December, 1908, there were in use fifty-seven power boats, two men to a boat, taking
an average
of thirty gallons of scallops per boat, with an average market value of ninety cents a
gallon. It is
believed by those interested that a close time should be enacted for the waters of
Penobscot Bay
in Knox county, this close time to cover the summer months, say from April to.
November, which is
the period when the fish has the least food value and the smallest market value. I am
informed that
scallop fishermen are preparing a petition to the legislature asking for a close time,
and I
recommend that such a law be enacted.
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 23
This is a variety of fish that at one time was very plentiful in practically every
river of this State, but
has been gradually diminishing in numbers until at the present time the catch is
very small. I think it
may be correctly assumed that the decrease in the shad fishery is in a large measure
due to the
same causes that have so injured the alewife and salmon fishery, viz., pollution of
rivers and failure
to provide proper fishways in dams. The Kennebec River in past years was noted for
the quantity
and especially the quality of the shad caught within its waters, but there remains of
this fishery but a
remnant of its former greatness. The United States government propose
establishing a shad
hatchery on the Kennebec, and it is believed that this industry will within a short
time reach its
former importance. This year large schools of shad have been found from ten to
twenty miles off
our coast, and many large catches have been made by seiners. This may indicate a
return of the
fish, which furnished another reason why suitable provision should be made to
allow them to reach
their natural spawning beds.
The smelt is one of our smallest but also one of the best food fishes, and while
it is not of so much
commercial value as some of the others it is one that furnishes employment for a
large number of
men in the winter time, when other employment is not obtainable. The laws
regulating this industry
come mostly under the head of special laws, which have been passed at the
instance of residents
of particular localities where the fish are abundant. In other section of the State,
where this fish is
not plentiful, little attention is paid to the industry. I assume that these localities
where special laws
apply are satisfied, and, therefore have no recommendation to make, otherwise than
to repeat
what I have said in connection with another industry; viz., that the laws are in a very
condition, and for the interest of all concerned parties especially interested in the
smelt fisheries.
should see to it that the present special laws are more accurately drawn and
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 24
The practice of dynamiting is one of the most pernicious that this Department
has to deal with.
Hon. A. R. Nickerson called attention to this matter in the 29th report of the
Department of Sea and
Shore Fisheries, and said, "Important changes to make more effectual its
enforcement should be
made in the dynamite law." I desire to state most emphatically that I agree with this
Dynamiting is practiced more or less all along our coast, but principally in the
waters of
Passamaquoddy Bay in the vicinity of Lubec and Eastport. The Canadian
government has for a
number of years maintained a regular patrol on its side of the boundary line between
the United
States and Canada. Beginning with the summer of 1907 this Department has also
had one of its
wardens patrol the American side of the line with a motor boat. As a result there has
been but very
little dynamiting, compared to former years. It is almost impossible to estimate the
caused by a single stick of dynamite exploded in the water. It is estimated in the first
place that not
over five per cent of a school of pollock which is dynamited are obtained and are
merchantable; but
the destruction by no means ends here. The radius of such an explosion is very
large, and it
effects every fish within that radius, to the point even of killing the minute so-called
shrimp, which
are the food the pollock seek when schooling in "Quoddy" Bay.
The present law is strong as far as it goes, the principal difficulty having been to
obtain evidence
upon which to convict a dynamiter. Through co-operation with the Dominion
Commissioner General
of Fisheries, this Department was enabled to secure the conviction of six
dynamiters, which had a
very salutary effect on the so-called "dynamite gang" at Eastport. The present law
should be made
much more drastic, and a provision also passed making it a criminal offense to
transport, have in
possession, purchase or use for any purpose dynamited fish.
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 25
For a number of years the State has appropriated $5,000 annually for the
protection of
seed-bearing lobsters with eggs attached. The proper expenditure of this fund is a
part of the
duties of the Commissioner of Sea and Shore Fisheries. This is a very important
branch of the
Department and is maintained entirely from the special appropriation for this
A large power boat is kept in continuous service from as early in the spring to as
late in the fall as
weather conditions will permit. This launch purchased from fishermen, at a price
higher than the
market value would be if sold as ordinary lobsters, all lobsters with eggs attached
or, perhaps more
clearly expressed, seed lobsters, which the fishermen have caught and are willing
to turn over to
the Department. These lobsters are in turn liberated in the vicinity of where they are
caught; or
else, if taken in an unfavorable locality for propagation, are sold to the United States
Hatchery at
Boothbay Harbor, who in turn hatch and liberate the small fry.
The work is very important to the general fishing interests of the State, as well
as of particular
importance to the lobster industry. The constant going and coming of the boat has a
very beneficial
influence upon all the fishermen, and the captain and engineer are chosen with
regard not only to
their ability to handle the craft but also as possessing particular ability to deal with
the men with
whom they come in contact. Through this service much valuable information is
obtained by the
fishermen and by the Department. The result which the appropriation is intended to
bring about is
most assuredly achieved. There can be no question at all but what the collection of
the seed
lobsters is of great benefit to the lobster industry. I believe it is unnecessary for me
to recommend
a continuance of the appropriation and service, as both are too well established and
known to
require any recommendation.
The Department has recently purchased what is believed to be one of the ablest
sea-going boats
in New England, equipped with a 25 H. P. gasoline engine, which will make it
possible by reason of
increased size and speed over the old boat to cover in the aggregate in the course
of a year all the
territory in most any weather, and much oftener than heretofore.
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 26
The summary tables in this report are believed to contain in a condensed form
all valuable data
pertaining to the fisheries. From these tables it is possible for any one interested
to make up other
tables giving special data as to particular localities or industries. The entire report
has been
condensed as much as possible consistent with clearness.
The Department has in its office a large quantity of detailed figures which have
been used in
making up the tables appended. The Department is not only willing but always
pleased to receive
communications asking for or giving information on any subject pertaining to the
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 27
J. F. Goldthwaite Biddeford
O. P. Philbrick Kittery
George A. Dow Portland
I. H. Snow Brunswick
A. C. Johnson Ashdale
C. A. Fossett Boothbay Harbor
N. J. Hanna New Harbor
R. T. York Damariscotta Mills
C. S. Coughlin Rockland
A. J. Rawley Tenant's Harbor
T. E. Sullivan Bangor
Leander R. Bunker Cranberry Isles
James A. Hill West Gouldsboro
F. L. Hodgkins Lamoine
W. B. Thurlow Stonington
W. W. Blood Milbridge
James A. Foster East Machias,
D. O. French Jonesport
W. A. Henderson Cutler
J. L. Parker Eastport
F. A. Townsend Calais
Maine Sea and Shore Fisheries 1907-08 Page 28
The above are commissioned for five years.
Name. Residence. Date of Commission.
M. B. Linscott Harpswell March 3, 1904
Freeland R. Bunker Winter Harbor July 1, 1904
John H. Benner Edmunds July 1, 1904
T. F. Lamson Rockland November 24, 1904
B. L. Stevens Cushing April 13, 1905
R. B. Stevens Jonesport September 7, 1905
A. E. Farnsworth Brooklin October 13, 1905
G. H. Lyons Eastport January 23, 1906
Joseph Farris Eastport March 23, 1906
Wm. T. Maddocks Portland October 25,1906
Joseph W. Lord Portland October 25, 1906
Charles A. Dyer Portland November 15, 1906
The illustrations in this report were printed by the Maine Farmer Publishing
Company, Augusta,
This report was copied from an original edition at the
Bangor, Maine Public Library, then digitized and uploaded to the internet by Ron Huber,
Penobscot Baywatch, Rockland, Maine, 11/28/07.
Please contact him to point out errata,
or for more information or other inquiries.