


Fishes of the Klamath River Basin. By Charles H. Gilbert 1-13

Salmon Investigations in the Columbia River Basin and elsewhere on the Pacific Coast in 1896. By Barton Warren Evermann and Seth Eugene Meek 15-84

Fishes found in the Vicinity of Woods Hole. By Hugh M Smith 85-111

Salmon Fishery of Penobscot Bay and River in 1895 and 1896. By Hugh M Smith 113-124. Click Here

Descriptions of New or Little-known Genera and Species of Fishes from the United States. By Barton Warren Evermann and William C. Kendall. 125-133

The Work of the United States Fish Commission from December 1, 1896, to November 3, 1897. By John J. Brice 135-139

Notes on the Halibut Fishery of the Northwest Coast in 1896. By A.B. Alexander 111-114

Proceedings and Papers of the National Fishery Congress 145-371

Prefatory Note. 117

Proceedings of the Congress. 149-164

List of Delegates in attendance at the Congress 164-165

International Fishery Association 167-168

Methods of Plankton Investigation and their relation to Practical Problems, by Jacob Reighard 169-175

The Importance of Extended Scientific Investigation. By H. C. Bumpus. 177-180

The Utility of a Biological Station on the Florida Coast in its relation to the Commercial Fisheries, By Seth L. Meek 181-183

Establishment of a Biological Station on the Gulf of Mexico. By W. Edgar Taylor

Some Notes on American Shipworms. By Charles P. Sigerfoos. 189-191

An Economical Consideration of Fish Parasites. By Edwin Linton 193-199

The Fish Fauna of Florida. By Barton W. Evermann 201-208

The Lampreys of Central New York. By H. A. Surface 209-215

The Protection of the Lobster Fishery. By Francis H. Herrick 217-224

The Florida Commercial Sponges. By Hugh M. Smith. 225-240

On the Feasibility of Raising Sponges from the Egg, By H.V. Wilson. 241-245

The Hudson River as a Salmon Stream. By A. Nelson Cheney. 247-251

A Plea for the Development mnd Protection of Florida Fish and Fisheries. By JamesA. Henshall 253-255.

International Protection for Denizens of the, Sea and Waterways. By Bushrod W. James 257-263

The Restricted Inland Range, of Shad due to Artificial Obstructions and its effect upon Natural Reproduction. By Charles H. Stevenson 265-271

The Green Turtle, and the Possibilities of its protection and consequent increase on the Florida coast. 273-274.

Some Factors in the Oyster Problem. By H. F. Moore. 275-284

The Oyster grounds of the West Florida Coast; their Extent, Condition, and peculiarities by Franklin Swift. 285-287

The Oyster and Oyster-beds of Florida. By John C. Ruge. 289-296

The Louisiana Oyster Industry. By F.C. Zacharie 297-304

The Oyster-bars of the West Coast of Florida; the:r Depletion and Restoration. By H.A. Smeltz. 305-308.

Notes on the Fishing Industry of Eastern Florida. B John Y. Detwiler. 309-312

Oysters and Oyster-culture in Texas. I. P. Kibbe 313-314

