From: Lewis, Jon
Hi guys - this is from Neal Parker who wants an experimental lease inside the Rcckland Breakwater (off the Samoset) to grow eelgrass, red-coralline algae, purple coralline algae and sponges - no mention as to why but I assume aquarium trade (perhaps not the eel grasses), In any case two things going on here. The Samoset tried to put in a marina a few years back and apparently Neal Parker was more or less a lead opponent of their expansion- now this. My concern is whether a lease and the presence of eel grass would be used simply as leverage against any expansion for the Samoset - though the legal wrangling of all this is not my expertise as you well know. (redacted) Question: do we have the ability to have a scoping session on an experimental or shall we just deal with this "sure to be interesting experimental lease application" as it comes to us, I'm game though cautious either way. ====================================================== From: Lewis, Jon
Spoke with Renee Cloutier and Alan Talbct - both knew him but neither had cautionary tales to tell so the temperment may be in check. March on l suppose. Jeeeze this job is fun. =========================================================================== From: Horn-Olsen, Samantha
I don't know if we can have a scoping session, but it doesn't seem like knowing that the Samoset might object is reason for a scoping session. If we think that there are other community members who might need more information, we can investigate our alternatives. The Samoset. however, is perfectly capable of contacting us or the applicant without further assistance. As for whether the Samoset representative can come along on a trip to reset the markers, I guess I would want to know more about why they want to come. If they want to tell us why they object, they can do that during the public comment period, lf they want to see where the proposed location is, then they can see that from the breakwater, If. however, they Want to discuss potential solutions to any concerns they have, and they want to do it in a setting with a DMR person present: then I would be in favor of that. Do you have any sense of that from your conversation? Sam =========================================================================== From: Lewis, Jon
I don't have any real sense - I suspect they are just wanting to be informed. After getting a little more information, I think there is no reason for a scoping session and my gut tells me right now we probably are better of keeping the applicant and the Samoset separate for now - at least until I get a sense of what we have to deal with. Sooo, as Rosanne Rosannadanaa used to say, ''Never mind''.... ============================================================================= From: Costigan, Mary
We can have a scoping session. Here is our rule language under 2.64:
Public Scoping Session
The applicant is required to attend and participate in a
public scoping session on their application when one is
The department shall provide notice of the scoping session to riparian landowners within 1,000 feet of the proposed lease as indicated in the application, and to officials of the municipality or municipalities in which the proposed lease would be located, orthe proposed lease abuts. All other interested individuals or parties may request to be placed on the Department's service list for notification of these meetings or other proceedings relating to the processing of aquaculture lease applications.
The Department will issue a press release to the print media regarding the public scoping session and shall also publish a notice in papers of general circulation in the area of the proposed lease.
I would suggest waiting until we get comments. It is a bit premature since the comment period just started today. ==============================================================================