Agency bills (drafts) coming before the Admin An Act To Allow Maine Manufacturers To Sell Products for Off-premises Consumption at Special Taste-testing Events and Farmers' Markets ------------------ Corrections LR 760 An Act To Clarify and Amend Certain Provisions Regarding Victim Services LR 759 An Act To Rename and Repurpose the Mountain View Youth Development Center as the Mountain View Correctional Facility and To Eliminate the Charleston Correctional Facility as a Facility Separate from Mountain View LR 761 An Act To Amend the Law Relating to Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution LR 758 An Act To Repeal the Former Interstate Compact for Juveniles LR 762 An Act To Facilitate the Continued Operation of the Department of Corrections Intensive Mental Health Uni Marine Resource LR 746 An Act Regarding Municipal and Regional Shellfish Management Programs LR 745 An Act To Prevent Marine Debris LR 744 An Act To Fund Research on and Management and Enforcement of the Eel and Elver Fisheries LR 742 An Act To Create an Aquaculture License LR 743 An Act To Make Technical Changes to Maine's Marine Resources Laws LR 747 An Act To Implement an Owner-Operator Requirement in the Scallop and Urchin Fisheries LR 750 An Act Regarding Enforcement of Marine Resources Laws and Suspensions of Marine Resources Licenses LR 751 An Act To Extend the Time for an Appeal of License Denial for Members of the Military LR 748 An Act Regarding Certain Shellfish Certificates and Permits Issued by the Department of Marine Resources LR 749 An Act To Improve the Aquaculture Leasing and Licensing Laws --------- Agency bills (drafts) coming before the Inland Fish & Wildlife committee r LR 693 An Act To Increase the Integrity of Maine's Professional Guide License Holders LR 692 An Act To Clarify and Enhance Maine's Wildlife Laws LR 695 An Act Regarding the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Board LR 694 An Act To Offer Hunters over 65 Years of Age Who Have Accumulated at Least 30 Points a Guaranteed Moose Permit LR 691 An Act To Clarify and Enhance Maine's Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Laws LR 688 An Act To Correct and Clarify Maine's Fish and Wildlife Laws LR 689 An Act To Update Maine's Fishing Laws LR 690 An Act To Clarify Maine's Fish and Wildlife Licensing and Registration Law ---------------------------------- Agency bills (drafts) coming before the Environmental committee LR 734 An Act To Make Clarifications to the Beverage Container Redemption Program LR 735 An Act To Stabilize the Maine Ground and Surface Waters Clean-up and Response Fund LR 736 An Act To Make Minor Changes and Corrections to Statutes Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection LR 737 An Act To Modernize the Voluntary Response Action Program Funding Process LR 738 An Act To Update Maine's Water Quality Standards LR 739 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund Wastewater Infrastructure Projects for Ratification by Voters in the June 2017 Election ---------------- Dept Public Safety LR 773 An Act To Protect Certain Administrative Licensing Files LR 774 An Act To Make the Community Paramedicine Program Permanent LR 771 An Act To Relocate the Authority To Issue Nonconcealed Firearm Permits from the Dept of Public Safety to the Office of the Governor LR 772 An Act To Permit Licensed Attorneys Limited Access to Certain Intelligence and Investigative Record Information LR 777 An Act To Amend the Uniform Forensic Examination Kit Laws LR 776 An Act To Protect the Health and Safety of First Responders LR 775 An Act To Amend Maine Motor Vehicle Laws D