Letters, July 31

Jul 31, 2014

'Ignorance is bliss' for officials on Kidder Point erosion

Last weeks article about the erosion of polluted material from Kidder Point reveals the underside of Searsport politics. And, by the way, looking the other way or actively helping a polluter avoid detection by stifling investigations are both against the law.

I think your article clearly shows our state and local officials saying "don't tell us, we don't want to know what is leaking into the harbor at Kidder Point." As if this in some way absolves them of their responsibility to correct the situation. It does not! Maybe Searsport's new motto should be, "Welcome to Searsport, where ignorance is bliss."

It's a good thing Searsport wasn't on Paul Revere's route because we would have told him, " We don't believe you because we can't verify your sources. Now go away and stop bothering us, and if you try to warn us again, we will arrest you for trespassing."

Why doesn't some civic minded science teacher take a field trip to "the acid flats?" Ph testing is pretty elementary and I don't think the Searsport Police will arrest school children. But then again I didn't think they would rough up an old man either so you never know. Searsport is unique.

Harlan McLaughlin



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