The recordings are from the following events
1. 3/6/10 Maine Fishermens' Forum: Seminar on Maine fishermen and offshore wind
2. 3/11/10 Maine Legislature's Utility & Energy Committee Public Hearing on LD 1810
3. 3/18/10 Utility & Energy Committee worksession # 1 on LD 1810
4. 3/23/10 Utility & Energy Committee work session # 2 on LD 1810
5. 3/24/10 Utility & Energy Committee work session # 3 on LD 1810
3/6/10 Maine Fishermens's forum Seminar on Maine fishermen and offshore wind. Note that NOBODY gets any applause. Q&A cut short. Photos from the seminar.
* Introduction Dierdre Gilbert Maine DMR 2min
* Beth Nagusky, MDEP Office of Innovation 13 mi
* George Lapointe, Department of Marine Resources 5 minutes
* Des Fitzgerald, Principle Power, Seattle. 10 Minutes
* Peter Hughes, Fishermen's Energy, New Jersey 12 minutes
* Neal Pettigrew, University of Maine on Monhegan R&D site 11 minutes
* Addison Ames, Vinalhaven Electric Coop 10 min
* Rob Snyder, Island Institute 10 minutes
3/11/10 Maine Legislature's Utility &; Energy Committee
Public Hearing on LD 1810
* Introduction 7 minutes
* Senator Hobbins Sponsor of LD 1810 6 min
* Representative Leila Percy, Co chair Marine Resources Committee 2 min
* Beth Nagusky MDEP Energy Office 12 min
* Beth Nagusky questioned 18 min
* Senator Kevin Raye 8 min
* Rep Stacey Fitts, Co sponsor 12 min
* Rep Seth Berry 4:17 min
* George Lapointe. DMR 6 min
* George Lapointe Q & A 5 min
* Chuck Digate, Neptune Wind
* Chuck Digate, Neptune Q&A
* Bob Baynes. Lobsterman 2 min
* Shawn Mahoney, CLF 7 min
* John Ferland, Ocean Renewable Power Co 9 min
* Lance Burton of Castine 3 min
* Bill Staby, Resolute Energy (wave energy) 4min
* J. Monroe, Blue Water Dynamos 11 min
* Ron Huber, Penobscot Bay Watch 7 min
* Bob Moore, Dead River Oil, 11 min
* Ned Bulmer, Maine Energy Marketing Assn 9 min
* Carol Lee ex head of Bangor Hydro 7min
* Carol Lee, Q&A 6 min
* John Pierce of Harspwell 4 min
* Chris O'Neill, Saco 10 min
March 18, 2010 Maine Legislature's Utility & Energy Committee
work session # 1 on LD 1810
* Introduction to the Worksession 4min
* MDEP's Beth Nagusky on changes to Bill Part A 17 minutes
* MDEP's Nagusky Q&A session 11 minutes
* Maine Lobstermen's Association's Patrice Farrell, 3 & 1/2 min
* MDEP's Beth Nagusky on proposed changes to Part B of LD 1811
* Suzanne Sayre 2 min
* Ocean Renewable Energy Corp John Ferland
* Dianne Messer, advocate, Liberty Maine
* Chris O'Neill, Friends of Maine Mountains
* Todd Rousette (sp?) Preti Flaherty lawfirm
* MDEP's Beth Nagusky on more changes to Part B
* MDEPs Beth Nagusky on changes to Part C
* MDEP's Beth Nagusky on changes to Part D.
March 23, 2010work session # 2 on LD 1810
* Introduction 90 seconds
* Dr Habib Dagher, University of Maine 10 minutes
* Dr. Habib Dagher, Q&;A 8 minutes
* MDEP's Beth Nagusky Q&A 1 11 minutes
* Beth Nagusky QA 2 12 minutes
* Maine Lobstermens Assoc's Patrice McCarron 6 minutes
* Beth Nagusky Q&A 4 9 minutes
* Beth Nagusky Q&A 5 17 minutes
* Beth Nagusky Q&A 6 to end of work session 19 minutes
March 24, 2010 work session # 3 on LD 1810 (Final worksession)
* Review of amendments 14 minutes
* BEP & Municipalities 13 min
* Preamble amendments. Criteria for projects 7 min
* Ocean wind green standard offer 12 min
* pricing and funding 8 min
* PUC questioned. What jobs? 16 min
* Pilot project RFP Cert of convenience 13 min
* Not enough info to make goals 9 min
* Renewable energy goals 10 min
* Rep Thibideau & Public Advocate Davies 8 min
* Stop hiding the costs. Make Maine leader. 8 min
* Involve Marine Resource Advisory Council 10 min
* Ocean wind green standard discussed 11 min
* Additional transmission line capacity issue 9 min
* Duplicate policy statements fix. Language review tomorrow 4 min
* Final Motion and discussion 8 min