
Department of Environmental Protection


DATE: 03/09/04


Name of Legislator: Representative Chris Rector
District/Town: Thomaston
Telephone: 354-6571

Staff Contact: Carla Hopkins Bureau: BRWM
Phone #: 287-8491

Reason for inquiry:

X_ Background/general information
Legislative Document #
DEP Application/License Complaint

Information requested/provided:
Representative Rector wanted some background information about the DEP's involvement with Dragon. He specifically wanted to know the status of the groundwater quality at the site and the status of the Schedule of Compliance that has been drafted for the facility. I informed him that the SOC is currently being reviewed by Jim Glasgow and Paula Clark. He asked to be kept "in the loop" regarding the facility.

Is DEP follow-up appropriate? Yes         X   No

If so, by whom? Staff Division Director Bureau Director
Legislative Affairs Commissioner

Additional Comments:

Please route one copy of this form to Legislative Affairs in the Office of the Commisisoner. Distribute other copies according to Bureau policy and procedures.