Open Government Issues [Image] Updated: May 20, 1997 The Citizens' Rights Section facilitates access to open meetings and public records. There are numerous open meetings and public records statutes with many exceptions and exemptions spread throughout the North Carolina General Statutes. The "Sunshine Office" urges government offices and agencies to provide the public with full and fair access to meetings and records which by law should be open to the general public. We are compiling a voluminous body of law, complete with general rules and exceptions, into a comprehensive but usable "Sunshine Manual" for use by the general public, law enforcement and lawyers. We now have available on-line is our Citizen's Guide to Open Government. Our office is open to: * Newspapers and other media organizations [Image] * Private citizens * Public officials * Businesses trying to access government information This office participates in seminars and workshops, prepares Attorney General advisory opinions and letters and serves as a legislative resource on public records issues. Contact Information For more information, you may call or write us at . In full its 36. 02 send to 36.02 Neilson Agency 03 Camden Street Rockland ME 04841 210.12 can pay semi monthly 258-8737 fax WNCA attn Bob Gale [Image] Brooks Skinner Atty Generals Office Citizens' Rights Division Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 - 0629 (919) 716 - 6780; (919) 716 - 6705 [fax] [Image] Citizens' Rights Section Main Page | Elder Abuse | Child Abuse | Child Victim Assistance Program (CVAP) | Hate Crimes Reporting | Sunshine Office | Victims' Rights Issues