[Image] [Image] Site 104 Newsletter #2 Potential Open Water Placement of Dredged Material at Site 104 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A current study is evaluating the impacts of placing an additional 18 million cubic yards of clean dredged material at Site 104. The focus of the evaluation is identification of both adverse and beneficial impacts of placing the additional dredged material at the site, culminating in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Preliminary investigations evaluating the potential impacts of placing clean dredged material at Site 104 have been completed. This webpage includes a summary of the findings of field studies, baseline data, and historic records documenting the past and present physical, chemical, and biological conditions at Site 104. A newly identified topic for this study and webpage is sturgeon populations in the Bay. The webpage also includes information on public workshops which will be held in March 1998 to provide information about the studies and receive comments from the public. For more information, click on the desired topic: * Public Information Workshops * Field Studies * Sturgeon Studies * Site 104 Meetings If you have additional questions, please email Mark Mendelsohn or call him at 410-962-9499; toll free at 1-800-295-1610. Letters can be mailed to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CENAB-PL-P (104), P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, MD 21203-1715. [Image] [back] RETURN TO SITE 104 INTRODUCTION [Image] © U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Disclaimer Page Updated: March 25, 1998