[Image] [Image] Site 104 Open Water Dredged Material Placement -------------------------------------------------------------------- This study was initiated in August 1997 to evaluate the environmental impacts of placing clean dredged material at Site 104, near Kent Island, in the upper Chesapeake Bay. Site 104 is a previously used 1,800 acre open water placement site located about 2,000 feet north of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and one mile west of Kent Island. The site is a long rectangle, approximately four and a half miles long and one half mile wide. At the request of the Maryland Port Administration (MPA), and in accordance with the Clean Water Act, the Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District is evaluating the site for placement of approximately 18 million cubic yards of clean dredged material. The 1996 Governor’s Action Plan for Dredged Material Management recommended Site 104 as an open water placement site, based on previous use of the site for dredged material placement, the lack of significant adverse effects indicated by environmental monitoring conducted in 1975-76, the potential capacity of the site, and the potential for improving conditions at the site. Beginning in 1924, the site was used for dredged material placement for a period of 50 years. Following its last use (placement of approximately 850,000 cubic yards of material in 1975), environmental monitoring was conducted. The monitoring indicated no significant adverse environmental impacts. If the results of current environmental evaluation studies indicate that placing additional material would not result in significant adverse impacts, more material, filling the site to a depth of -45 feet, may be placed. The clean material to be placed would be dredged from federal navigation channels in the main stem of the Chesapeake Bay, including the Craighill Entrance, Craighill Channel, Craighill Angle, Craighill Upper Range; Cutoff Angle; Brewerton Channel Eastern Extension; Swan Point Channel; Tolchester Channel; and the Southern Approach Channel to the C& D Canal. (See attached Map.) For more information, click on the following newsletters: * Site 104 Newsletter, Issue No. 1, dated August 1997 (must be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader. The following link will download Acrobat .PDF files. You may need to use "Save Next Link As..." or "Save to Disk" functions of your Web browser.) * Site 104 Newsletter, Issue No. 2, dated March 1998 [Image] [back] RETURN TO DREDGING [Image] © U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Disclaimer Page Updated: March 25, 1998