Forward Header Subject: comments on GOM MPA initiative Author: George Lapointe Date: 02/13/2001 1:13 PM David - I have looked over the Gulf of Maine MPA initiative which you mentioned last week and think that this is not a good initiative for Maine. It looks like funding and the GOMC MPA initiative are driving Maine's policy. I am certain that proposing an MPA "strawman" list will hamper agency's abilities to implement the many policy initiatives that we have underway. For example, DMR continues work with lobstermen at the local, zone, state, regional, and national levels. Fishermen have so many different policy issues coming at them that they are near the end of their ability to handle change. MPAs are seen as one more effort by the feds to control Maine fishermen. Proposing MPAs that affect Maine without much outreach and education will appear that we are "caving" to the federal government and conservation groups and we may lose what cooperation we now have. And the "we" here will be me, the Administration, and the Governor. This would not be good for anyone. It seems to me that we need to: 1) Determine what the State of Maine's ideas and policies are regarding MPAs. The Natural Resources Subcabinet is the logical and appropriate place for this discussion. Without this discussion, external interests in MPA's and available funding will put Maine in the position of reacting in a manner that does not help the state in the long term. I have asked Lee Perry to put this issue on the next Natural Resources Subcabinet agenda for discussion. 2) I understand that Jerry Schubel doesn't want a workshop but it seems that what is needed now is an education and outreach program about MPA's because there is much distrust and misinformation about the concept and implementation of MPAs 3) It seems as well that there are many MPA initiatives percolating right now (federal, conservation groups, CLF, etc) and that another initiative may not be productive. We need to understand more about these efforts and their timelines before launching our own initiatives. I understand that there is an MPA component in the State's CZM Sec. 309 grant. I will contact Kathleen to find out what that work unit entails but it seems that an internal, well planned process will serve Maine better than a big initiative prior to the development of a state policy.