FW: Gulf of Maine International Ocean Wilderness Lynn: T:.at sounds like a big task to be done in a hurry! I can think of a few people who might have useful information for you: - Martin Willison of Dalhousie University who is one of the people behind the GOM Ocean Wilderness Proposal (phone 902-494-2966) - Sam Brody who wrote many papers on MPAs for the Gulf of Maine Council and helped create a series of GIS maps, mapping of regulations, etc. We hope to get this data up on the Counci's web page (thanks Sam - cd received). - Betsy isIcholson of NOAA's OCRM who I understand is updating the GOM GIS database (phone 301-713-3338x140, don't have her email) - Ben Haskell of NOAA who works with the Steilwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary (781-545-8026, x207) The reports written for Council are available at: [h~tp://g.:lfcfmaine.org/library!mpas/mpa.htm] I'll be leaving my desk momentarily. I'll be in Monday morning, but will be away at a meeting of the Council's Working Group next week (leave midday %'.or_. 16th and return to the office on the 19th). If there are particular r_eces of =Info you're trying to find, I can try to put you in touch with the _ ---hi: people. If you'd like to call, I'm at 603-271-8866. ope this helps. Thanks all! ~~ra Lavra i~.arron, Coordinator Gulf of "laine Council on the Marine Environment :/~- NH DES PO Box Co~ccrd, NH 03302-0095 prone: 603-271-8866, fax: 603-271-0656 ~http://gulfofmaine.orgl ----- Orig;~na'_ Message----- From: McLeod, Lynn [mailto:mcleod@BATTELLE.ORG] Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 3:12 PM To: 'gom_sec@world.std.com' Sub-iect: Gulf of Maine International Ocean Wilderness Dear Laura, I am, hoping that you will be able to help me or at least point me in the right direction. Earlier this week I was given the task of collecting biological, physical, geological, historical, aesthetic, and recreational information on the Gulf of Maine International Ocean Wilderness. My company has been contracted by EPA to write an Environmental Assessment of the U.S. 1 of 2 2/1/2001 9:56 AM =========================================== 'J: Gulf of Maine International Ocean Wilderness side of the proposed Gulf of Maine International Ocean Wilderness for designation as a Special Ocean Site under Regulation 403 (Ocean Discharge Criteria). This action is being taken in response to an Executive Order g,~ven out in May by President Clinton to further protect important areas of the ocean. I am hoping that you or someone could assist me in collecting the information needed for the assessment. The assessment must be completed by the first week of November because they are trying to get the rule changes in by January. If you could let me know whom I nhould contact regarding information on this area I would appreciate it. Also, if there are any references (articles, books, etc) that I should specifically look at. Lynn A. McLeod Researcher Battelle 397 Was~.i^aton Street Duxbury, MA 02332 (7kI) 952-53g1 ;7R1) 952-5369 (FAX) r;,cieod@battelle.org 2 of 2 2/1/2001 9:56 AM'