Received: from xp0.RTK.NET ([]) by; Sun Jan 24 06:13:36 1999 Received: from mail by RTK.NET (5.65/1.2 1998123101-sf) id AA13279; Sun, 24 Jan 99 14:13:30 GMT From: Tom Kruzen Return-Path: Message-Id: <9901241413.AA13279@RTK.NET> To: Subject: Fight the good fight Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 09:13:30 EST RTK.NET Mail 498551 Jan 24 09:13:27 1999 Ron, It was VERY GOOD to get to know you and I hope that we will all meet again when the times are appropriate. I shall use all your lessons with regards to the Mo. Chip Advisory Comm. Yesterday on our way to Jeff. City for a Mo. Watershed Coalition meeting, we were confronted on the highway by two magnificent bald eagles. They both turned and smiled at us and then their combined wingspan covered the road! It was a sign from the the Big U that we were all doing GOOD! Please, lets fling an occasional email at eachother and I should like to show my family Maine sometime. An author friend of ours from Mt. View, Mo. moved up there a couple of years ago, Sue Hubbell- writes for the Smithsonian and her own books, "A Country Year", "The Book of Bees" and others. Anyway- THANK YOU for doing what you could. Down with Mega corporations!!! Keep in touch. Your friend from Mo. kruzent