Campbell, Adam and Michele Box 866 North Haven, Maine 04853 Tel: (207) 867-4453 Lease Location: Pulpit Harbor Salt Pond, North Haven, Knox County, Maine Acreaae and Rent: 2.0 acres: #683-03; $50 per acre per year ($100), due October 1. Species Cultivated: American oysters. Cultivation Techniaue(si: Suspended culture. Conditions: The lease area shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of Marine Resources. Date of Lease: June 26, 2000. Term: Three (3) years — June 26, 2000 to June 25. 2003. Chart and lease boundaries not to be used for legal purposes. 87 Heron Cove Shellfish Robert Matus 61 Heron Cove Lane Tel: (207) 354-8219 Lease Location: West side of the St. George River, off the property of 61 Heron Cove Lane, Cushing, Knox, Maine. Acreaae and Rent: 0.426 acres: #700-03; $50 per acre per year ($21.30), due October 1. Soecies Cultivated: American oysters, hard dams, blue mussels, and bay scallops. Cultivation Techniaue(sI: Suspended culture techniques. Conditions: Lobster/crab and recreational fishing and navigation are allowed on the open areas of the lease; the lease area shall be marked in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard and Department of Marine Resources Regulations Chapter 2.80. Date of Lease: December 6 2000. Term: Three (3) years — December 6, 2000 to December 5. 2003. Figure 94 HCS GE NOAA Chart 13310, Imported into ArcView GIS 3.2. Chart and lease boundaries not to be used for legal purposes. 94 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------