Desaulniers, Paul r P.O.Box358 Turner, Maine 04282-0358 Tel: (207) 224-7922 • Lease Location: Weskeag River, South Thomaston, Knox County, Maine. Acreaae and Rent: Two tracts (0.346) acres: #705-04 and #706-04; $50 per acre per year ($17.30), due October 1. SDecies Cultivated: American oysters. Cultivation Technique(s): Suspended and bottom containment culture techniques. Conditions: Commercial and recreational boating, lobster/crab trapping, and recreational fishing activities are allowed on the open areas of the lease; the lease area shall be marked in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard and Department of Manne Resources Regulations Chapter 2.80; and during the winter months surface gear will be removed from the lease areas and bottom containment shall be used on site 1 only during the months of December through March. Date of Lease: April 16, 2001. Term: Three (3) years — April 16, 2001 to April 15, 2004. Figure 109 PDSTWR NOAA Chart 13302, Imported into ArcView GIS 3.2. *The 30-foot diameter experimental lease site denoted as PDST WR Tract I is approximately located in the center of the shaded circle. Chart and lease boundaries not to be used for legal purposes. 109