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Island Institute ________________
Bill MacDonald
P.O. Box 648, 386 Main Street
Rockland, Maine 04841
Tel: (207) 594-9209 Fax: (207) 594-9314
Alternate Contact:
Tim Dowling (Site Manager' j
(207) 372-8575
Lease Location: Otis Cove on the St. George River, St. George, Knox County, Maine.
Acreage and Rent: 2 acres: #614-01; $50 per acre per year ($100), due October 1.
Species Cultivated: American oysters, sea scallops, surf clams, and quahogs.
Cultivation Technique(s): Surface trays and suspended and bottom culture.
Conditions: Commercial and recreational fishing and boating are allowed on the open areas of the lease; dragging is prohibited; the lease area shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of Marine Resources.
Date of Lease: September 21, 1998.
Term: Three (3) years - September 21 1998 to September 20. 2001
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