Island Institute • Bill MacDonald 410 Main Street Rockland, Maine 04841 Tel: (207) 594-9209 Jeff Armstrong do Jeff’s Maiine, Inc. Wadsworth Street P.O. Box 236 Thomaston, Maine 04861 Tel: (207) 354-8777 Lease Location: Jeff’s Marine, Inc., Upper St. George River, Thomaston, Knox County, Maine. Acreage and Rent: 0.016 acres: #650-02; $50 per acre per year ($0.80), due October 1. Species Cultivated: American oysters, soft-shell dams, surf dams, sea scallops, and quahogs. Cultivation Technique(s): Suspended culture techniques. Conditions: The lease area shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of Marine Resources. Date of Lease: September 16,1999. Term: Three (3) years — September16. 1999 to September 15 2002. Figure 99 JEFF US2 NOAA Chart 13301 20~ Ed., 03/01/97. * The 15 X 40 foot experimental lease site denoted as JEFF US2 is approximately located in the center of the shaded circle. Chart and lease boundaries not to be used for legal purposes. 99