Marshall Point Sea Farm, LLC a Karl Eschholz P.O. Box 285, Lobster Pound Road Port Clyde, Maine 04855-02850 Tel: (207) 372-8443 a Lease Location: East southeast of Bradford Point, west side of the St. George River, Gushing, Knox County, Maine. Acreage and Rent: 2.0 acres: #711-04; $50 per acre per year ($100.00), due October 1. SDecies Cultivated: American oysters, European oysters, quahogs, surf dams, soft-shell dams, bay and sea scallops, and razor clams. Cultivation Technique(s): Suspended and bottom culture techniques. Conditions: Lobster/crab fishing is allowed on the open areas of the lease; recreational boating is prohibited from the areas occupied by surface trays; dragging is prohibited; and the lease area shall be marked in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard and Department of Marine Resources Regulations Chapter 2.80. Date of Lease: May 15, 2001. Term: Three (3) years — May 15, 2001 to May 14, 2004. Figure 107 MPTS BPT1 NOAA Chart 13301, Imported into ArcView GIS 3.2. Chazt and lease boundaries not to be used for legal purposes. 107