
Baldacci's form letter for answering LNG-concerned constituents. A handwritten note on the form letter, signed by Patrick Colwell, (Deputy Director of Constituent Services), states "This form letter was sent to 92 constituents in the period of time between 3-30-04 and 6-30-04"

May 25, 2004

(Constituent name)
(Constituent address 1)
(Constituent address 2)
(Constituent city state, zip)

Dear Constituent,

Thank you for giving me your input on a prospective LNG Facility. I appreciate hearing from you.

I have previously stated that while I will continue to support the potential of LNG facilities to bring good paying jobs and clean energy to Maine, I have been reminded of the need to use economic development as a tool to bring communities together, rather than allow it to create divisions between neighbors. Although I support the potential of an LNG facility, I will keep on deferring heavily to local governments as the key decision-makers regarding affirmative support of any particular proposal. As I write today there is no community that has accepted a LNG facility, but I urge you to keep an open mind in any local processes and discussions that take place. As it develops you should be in contact with your local officials and representatives.

Again, I thank you for your involvement in this important matter, and if this letter does not answer your questions please feel free to contact my staff with further inquiries and concerns. Please recognize that I am receiving lots of correspondence regarding this issue.


John E. Baldacci
