The committee forwarded two names for the larger group to vote on - the majority voting for 'Friends of Sears Island'. We then shared some rough ideas regarding a mission statement. Many points being similar to those made at the post Cargo Port meetings. The following are a couple different mission statement proposals for the larger group to comment on.
1)The Friends of Sears Island is a diverse group of individuals & organizations that hold a common vision of preserving Sears Island in its present state of relatively undeveloped natural and unspoiled condition while at the same time incorporating economic revenue that might benefit the town of Searsport and surrounding communities.
Furthermore the following attributes would be incorporated in any future
plans for the Island
Public Access
Continued Traditional & Recreational uses
such as hunting,fishing,picnicking,hiking,cross country
skiing,swimming, boating
Preservation of surrounding Marine & shore ecosystems, eelgrass beds and
Timber & wildlife management consistent with these goals
Consideration of Historic & Environmental Educational Endeavors
2) Friends of Sears Island is composed of individuals & organizations
whose purpose is to secure permanent environmental & cultural
protection for Sears Island to continue to be used much as it has been in
the past decades. Any future plans for the Island would
include provisions for the following
Public Access
Preservation of surrounding Marine & shore ecosystems, eelgrass beds and
Wildlife & Timber management that preserves present ecosystems
Continued Traditional & Recreational uses
Consideration of Historic & Environmental Educational Endeavors
Inclusion of plans that provide for economic benefit to the town of Searsport
Comm members on 1-18-04
Susan Lauchlan, Steve Tanguay, Thom Maycock, Bindy Pendleton