

TABLE OF CONTENTS. (use back button to return to this page) Image of TOC

Armistead, A. Wilson. A transfer of Leather Carp (Cyprintis carpio) from the government ponds at Washington, U. S. A., to Scotland. 341

Banditten, Eben. Recent contributions to pond cultivation. 385

Barnes, A. G. Growth and Spawning of German Carp in Alabama. 424

Bean, Tarleton H.
Movements of Young Alewives(?) (Pomolobus, sp.) in Colorado River, Texas. 69
Notes on a Shipment, by the United States Fish Commission, of California Salmon( Oncorhynchus chouicha) to Tanner's Creek, Indiana, in 1870. 204
Account of a Shipment, by the United States Fish Commission, of California Salmon-Fry (Onchorhynchus chouicha) to Southern Louisiana, with a Note on Some Collections Made at Tickfaw. 205

Behr, von. Treatment of Fish Eggs at Sea. 346

Borne, Max von dem. Dry transmission of Fish Eggs. 345

Campbell, J. B. Notes on McCloud River, California, and Some of its Fishes. 44

Chadwick, B. P. The Destruction of Young Fish by Unsuitable Fishing Implements. 339

Clark, Frank N.
The Self-Picker. 62
On the Rearing of Whitefish in Spring Water, and its Relation to their Subsequent Distribution. 101

Collins, Capt. J.W.
Gill-Nets in the Cod-fishery; A Description of the Norwegian Cod Nets, with Directions for their Use, and a History of their Introduction into the United States. 1
An Inquiry as to the Capture of Young Codfish in Chesapeake Bay. 401
First Arrival of Mackerel in New York in the Spring of 1882 402

Creighton, R. J. Fish-Culture in New Zealand. 51

Deblois, Capt. E. T. The Origin of the Menhaden Industry. 46

Eckardt, Herr. The Peculiarities of Blue Carp. 389

Finsch Dr. O. Report on a Trip in Germany to Secure Carp for the United States Fish Commission. 220

Fisher, F. B. Fishing and Fish-Culture in Florida. 251

Forbes, Prof. S. A.
The Food of Young Whitefish (Coregonus clupeiformis). 19
On the Food of Young Whitefish (Coregonus)269
An Inquiry into the First Food of Young Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeiformis). 402

Gilbert, W.I. Growth of the Salbling (Salmo salvelinus) in the Old Colony Trout-Ponds at Plymouth, Mass. 427

Goode, G. Brown.
The Carangoid Fishes of the United States-Pompanoes, Crevalles, Amber-Fish, &c. 30
Notes on the Life-History of the Eel, Chiefly Derived from a Study of Recent European Authorities. 71

Goode, G. Brown, and Capt. J. W. Collins. The Winter Haddock Fishery of New England. 226

Green, Seth.
Rearing of California Mountain Trout (Salmo irideus). 23
Salmon Caught in Genesee River, New York . 23
The Introduction of Land-Locked Salmon into Woodhull Lake, New York, and the Subsequent Capture of Some of Them. 421

Haack, Director. A German View of the American Section in the Berlin Fishery Exhibition. 57

Harding, Charles W. Inquiries Concerning the Propagation of American Smelt and Shad, and Notes on the Fisheries of the Wash in England. 428

Harding, Garrick M. Suggestions to Fish Culturists. 55

Hawkins, J. W. An Opinion Regarding the Influence upon the Coast Fisheries of the Steamers used in the Menhaden Fishery. 266

Hemphill, Henry. On the Habits and Distribution of the Geoduck, a Clam of the Pacific (Glycimeris generosa, Gld.), with Suggestions as to its Introduction into the Atlantic Coast of the US. 200

Hermes, Dr. Otto. On the Mature Male Sexual Organs of the Conger-Eel (Conger vulgaris), with some Observations on the Male of the Common Eel (Anguilla vulgaris, Fleming). 126

Hessel, Budolph. Artificial Culture of Medicinal Leeches and of Species of Helix. 264

Hiester, Charles E. Fish Culture for Profit. 382

Hinckley, Isaac. The Fish-Eating Cows of Provincetown, Mass. 134

Hobbs, Orlando. A List of Ohio River Fishes Sold in the Markets. 124

Hughes,Smith E. Live Ponds for Fish in NewJersey. 349

Huxley, Prof. T. H. See S. Walpole.

Jordan, David N., and Charles H. Gilbert. Descriptions of Nineteen New Species 306

Krause, Dr. Cod and Halibut Fisheries near the Shumagin Islands. 259

Laighton, Cedric. The Capture of Shad at Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire. 421

Leonard, J. A. Plan of the International Fisheries Exhibition to be held at Edinburgh, Scotland; and a List of Prizes to be Awarded. 390

McDonald, Marshall. Experiments in Transportation of the German Carp in a Limited Supply of Water. 215

Marquette, George R. Extraordinary Floods in the Potomac River.

Martin, S. J.
Coal Ashes as a Means of Raising Mackerel in Purse-Seines.
Methods of Using Willard's Patent Pocket for Mackerel.
First Appearance of Fish at Gloucester, 1881.
Notes on the Mackerel Fishery of 1881.
Notes on New England Fisheries.
Notes on New England Food-Fishes.
Notes on the Gloucester Fishery.
Cod-Fishing with Gill-Nets in Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts.
Fishery News from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Notes on the Gloucester Fisheries.
Pollock Fishing in Boston Bay.
Cod Gill-Nets in Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts.
Fishery Notes from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Codfishing with Gill-Nets from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Fishery Notes from Gloucester, Mass, Concerning Cod, Haddock, Herring, Halibut & Mackerel.
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Miller, J. W. Summary of Fishing Records for Shad and Alewives kept at Willow Branch Fishery, North Carolina, from 1835 to 1874.

Mordecai, M.D.E.R. Food of the Shad of the Atlantic Coast of the United States (Alosa proestabilis De gay), and the Functions of the Pyloric coeca

Norny, E.R.
On the Propagation of the Striped Bass.
A Proposed Pond for Rearing Striped Bass (Roccus lineatus) in Delaware Bay.

Osborn. J.H. Notes and Suggestions Concerning the Florida Shad Fishery.

Pasco, LD. A Call for Carp from Nevada.

Ryder, Francis W. Codfish caught near Cape Charles, Mouth of Chesapeake Bay, in 1834.

Ryder, John A.
A Valuable Edible Mollusk of the West Coast. 21
Preliminary Notice of the More Important Scientific Results Obtained from a Study of the Embryology of Fishes. 22
Notes on the Development, Spinning Habits, and Structure of the Four-Spined Stickleback (Apeltes quadracus). 24
Development of the Spanish Mackerel (Cybiium maculatum) 135
On the Retardation of the Development of the Ova of the Shad (Alosa sapidtisstima), with
Observations on the Egg-Fungus and Bacteria 177
A Contribution to the Development and Morphology of the Lophobranchiates (Hippocampus antiquarian, the sea-horse) 191
The Protozoa and Protophytes Considered as the Primary or Indirect Source of the Food of Fishes. 236
The Micropyle of the Egg of the White Perch. 282
Development of the Silver Gar (Belone longirostris), with Observations on the Genesis of the Blood in Embryo Fishes, and a Comparison of Fish Ova with those of other Vertebrates 283
On the Nuclear, Cleavage-Figures Developed during the Segmentation of the Germinal Disk of the Egg of the Salmon 335
Notes on the Breeding, Food, and Green Color of the Oyster. 403
Additional Observations on the Retardation of the Development of the Ova of the Shad. 422

Shears, E.E. Carp in the Hudson River. 54

Smiley, Chas. W. Changes in the Fisheries of the Great Lakes during the decade 1870-1880. 252

Stone, Livingston. Mortality of McCloud River Salmon in 1881. 134

Swetitsch, Joseph. A Depot for Embryonated Eggs of all the Valuable Kinds of Fish. 345

Throckmorton, S.R. The Introduction of Striped Bass into California. 61

Description of the Fish-Way in Pitt River, California. 202

Walpole, 59., and Prof. T. H. Huxley. Disease Among the Salmon of Many Rivers of England and Wales. 429

Weddige, Herr. Castrating Fish 59

Wigg, Dr. George. On the Insensibility of the German Carp to Freezing. 402

Willis, H. Shad Fisheries of the Susquehanna River Fifty-Six Years Ago. 261

Wilmot, Samuel
Introduction of California Salmon into Ontario, with Remarks on the Disappearance of Maine Salmon from that Province. 347
Remarks on the Scarcity of Male and Grilse Salmon in the Rivers of Ontario, Canada. 379

Wilson, Thomas. The Proposed Introduction of Catfish into Ghent. 340

Worth, S.G. The Artificial Propagation of the Striped Bass (Roccus lineatus) in Albemarle Sound. 174

Wright, Abel A. A Georgia Carp Pond. 68

Wright, Harrison, Chairman of the Committee. Report of a Committee of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society on the Early Shad Fisheries of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. 352

Zentz, F. On the Races or Varieties of Carp, Denying the Existence of Blue Carp and Gold Carp 387

MISCELLANEOUS AND REPRINTS. (use back button to return to this page)

Protection of Whales 17

American Birds, Animals, and Fishes for New Zealanders. 53

Peat-Bogs as Fish Ponds 58

Official Papers Relating to the Proposed International Fisheries Exhibition at Edinburgh in 1882. 130

Pachaly's Car for Transporting Fish. 207

Memorandum of some Results of the Artifical Propagation and Planting of Fish, due mainly to the Efforts of the United States Fish Commission. 208

Introduction of the Aland, or Orfe, into England. 218

Some Results of the Artificial Propagation of Maine and California Salmon in New England and Canada, Recorded in the years 1879 and 1880. 270

Progress and Results of Fish-Culture. 396

