BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION 1882 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1882. Images of TOC Atkins, Charles G. Sketch of the Penobscot Salmon-breeding establishment...373
Arnold, jr., Isaac. Successful Propagation of Black Bass 113 Baird, Spencer F. Inducements offered Fishermen to furnish Shad Eggs for the U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 389 Bouchon-Brandely, Report relative to the Generation and Artificial Fecundation of Oysters, addressed to the Minister of the Marine and the Colonies. 319
Behr, von. Five American Salmonidae in Germany 237 Clark, Frank N. Account of Operations at the Northville Fish Hatching Station of the United States Fish Commission, from 1874 to 1883 inclusive..355
Collins, J. W. Appearance of Dog-fish (Squalus acanthias) on the New England coast in winter 8
Couchman, J. W. Transporting Carp from the United States Fish Commission to Brazil. 382 Davis, H. B. Gratifying results of Propagating German Carp-Bream and Carp in ponds together--Table qualities of Carp. 317 Eckardt, George. Carp Propagation and Blue Carp 168 Friedlaender, Oscar O. Notes on the Menhaden Fishery 252 Gaines, Kemp. Growth, Spawning, and Distribution of German Carp reared from 20 fish furnished by the United States Fish Commission, November 29, 1880. 392 Gallup, B Frank. Catching Dogfish for Oil and Guano. 236 Gifford, George. The Disappearance of Sardines from the Vendean Coast, and its Causes. 18 Gilbert, Charles H. List of Fishes observed at Punta Arenas, on the Pacific Coast of Central America 172 Gillespie, Samuel. Growth and Food of Carp 300 Goode, G. Brown. The first Decade of the United States Fish Commission; its plan of work and accomplished results, scientific and economical. 169
Griffith, William. Result of Planting Shad in the Ohio River 12 Habershaw, Frederick. Bringing Whale Oil from the Pacific to New York 215 Harding, Charles W. The Utilization of Localities in Norfolk and Suffolk suitable for the Cultivation of Mussels and other Shell Fish 83 Harvey, M. Fishing and Consumption of Fish 102 Haskell, E.H., Second Annual Appearance of Young Cod hatched by the United States Fish Commission in Gloucester Harbor in the winter of 1879-'80 112 Hay, O. P. On a Collection of Fishes from the Lower Mississippi Valley 57 Hayward, Jos.S. Catch of Fish in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1881 286 Healy R. Striped Bass in Piankatank River. Virginia 75 Heyser, E, Growth of Mirror Carp sent to Georgia by the United States Fish Commission. 18 Hiester, Charles E. Answers to questions relative to Catfish 76 Hoek, P.P.C. Researches on the Generative Organs of the Oyster (O. edulis) 343 Horst, B. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Development of the Oyster (Ostrea edulis L. 150 ------------------------------------------------- Johnson, Samuel. Growth of German Carp sent to Savoy, Texas, by the United States Fish Commission 14 Jordan, David S., and Charles H. Gilbert. A Review of the Siluroid Fishes found
on the Pacific Coast of Tropical America, with descriptions of three new species 34
Knight, William. A Bill proposed to the Maryland Legislature at the session of 1876, and entitled "An Act to regulate the Catching and to provide for the Preservation of Fish in the Waters of the State and of the Potomac River 205 Krausee, K.E.H. A Hybrid Plaice- Platessa vulgaris with Rhombus maximus 341 Lefebvre, Alfred. The Proposed Introduction of American Catfish into the Rivers of Belgium 153 Leonard, J. A Report on the Edinburgh Fisheries Exhibition 90 Leonhardt, G. Information concerning the Blue Carp 16 Leslie, Chas. C. Scarcity of Blackfish--Mortality of Codfish 132
McDonald, Marshall. Distribution of German Carp by the United States Fish Commission. 94 Martens, J. B. Life in the Sea 253 Martin S.J. Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts 15
Morgan, George. Capture of Land-locked Salmon at Oswego, New York 15 Morris., T. W. Spawning of Carp, in a Small Basin, at Brenham, Texas. 27 Nicklas, Carl. Feeding Carp with Indian Corn 108 Nussbaum, M. A Simple Test to learn if Fish-ova are Impregnated 347 Nye, jr., Willard. Eels (Anguilla rostrata) in New Bedford Water-pipes. Mackerel abundant in Amherst River 272 Osborn, John H. Shad Fishing on the Saint John's River 132 Phillips, Barnet. Holland Carp put into the Hudson River about 1830 25 Poey, Felipe. List of Food-fishes brought from Key West, Fla., into the Markets of Havana. 118 Rathbun, Richard. Dredging Stations of the United States Fish Commission steamer
Fish Hawk, Lieut. L. L. Tanner, commanding, for 1880, 1881, and 1882, with temperature and other observations 119
Ryder, John A. Preliminary Notice of some points in the Minute Anatomy of the Oyster. 135 - The Microscopic Sexual Characteristics of the American, Portuguese, and Common Edible Oyster of Europe compared 205 - Note on the Organ of Bojanus in Ostrea Virginica Gmeli 345 - On the mode of Fixation of the Fry of the Oyster. 383 Smiley, Chas. W. Result of Planting Shad in the Muskingum River 32
Stearns, B. E. C. Suggestions for Transplanting Clams from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic 20 Stone, Livingaton. Replies to Questions of Herr von Bohr concerning Salvelinus fontinalis and Salmo irideus. 9
Swain, Joseph. A Review of the Species of Stolephorus found on the Atlantic Coast of the United States 56 Swan, James G, Shad in Puget Sound. 152 Swett, S. B. Decrease of Fish in Squamscot River, New Hampshire, on account of Refuse Matter from Gas Works 33
Tanner, Z. L. Report of an Exploring Trip of the Steamer Fish Hawk, In Chesapeake
Bay in the early Spring of 182 133
Van Antwerp, W. Growth, Spawning, Edible qualities, and Manner of Cooking German Carp received from the U.S. Fish Commission in 1880 300 Ward, Lester F. List of water plants for carp ponds 22 Wilson, Charles A, Raising Brook Trout in Mineral Water 392 Wood, M.L. The Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico. 19 Worth, S.G. Shad Hatching and Carp Culture 26
Yoakum, F,L. Carp Culture in Texas 28 Yost. John. Report upon the Management of German Carp by a Mississippi correspondent 310 Miscellansous and Reprints. Amtliche Berichte. Transportation of Live Fish 95 Deutsche Fischcrei-Zeitung. The Cottbus Carp Trade 158 Fiskeri Tidende. The Scotch Herring Fisheries in 1882 117
Gloucester Telegraph. Fishing for Shad in South American Waters 138 Magdeburgische Zeitung. Stocking the Stettiner Haff with Carp. 1 Scientific Farmer. Connection of Abundance of Moss and Black Flies with Abundance of Trout 103 Sunland Tribune. Poisoned Water In the Gulf of Mexico 104