BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Page 89 Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. January 1, 1884 - April 3, 1884.
MONTHLY SUMMARY. I send you the amount of fish landed at Gloucester
during the month of December. George's codfish, 610,000
pounds; George's halibut, 22,000 pounds; fish caught in the cod
gillnets, 1,120,000 pounds; fresh halibut, 230,000 pounds; mackerel, 140
barrels; haddock, 230,000 pounds; cusk, 15,000 pounds; pollock, 3,000
barrells. Fish imported form Nova Scotia: 472 quintals of cod, 100
quintals of pollock, 50 quintals of hake, 22 barrels of oil, 600 quintals
of hake on freight from Maine. Smoked herring from Eastport, 5,000
boxes; frozen herring from Grand Manan, 300 barrels. Fish caught in
cod gill-nets landed, at other ports during the month of December:
300,000 pounds.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULLETIN OF THE UNITED' STATES FISH COMMISSION. 92 HERRING.-There were three arrivals from Grand Marian with frozen herring. Herring are selling at $1.50 per hundred. There have been three arrivals from the banks with 20,000 pounds of fresh halibut the last three days. They sold for 2 cents a pound by the cargo. The George's vessels find fish scarce. Five vessels are bound home from Newfoundland with a full supply of frozen herring. VESSELS.-Gloucester will have 50 sail on George's after codfish. There will be 5 vessels more engaged in fresh halibut fishing this year than there were last year. Four new ones will be added to the fleet which goes south after mackerel. Gloucester, Mass, January 15, 1884. HERRING. Four cargoes of frozen herring, arrived this week from Grand Manan: The herring are very plenty at Fortune Bay. The whole fleet of 32 vessels is coming home with full cargoes. HALIBUT.-There have three vessels arrived from the banks this week
with 90 hounds of fresh halibut, which sold at 8 cents a pound by the
MONTHLY SUMMARY.-The amount of fish landed at Gloucester during
the month of January, 1884, was as follows: Salt cod, brought from
George's Bank (48 arrivals), 817,000 pounds; fresh hallibut from George's
Bank, 150,300 pounds; shore fisheries with cod gill- nets, 843,000 pounds;
fresh halibut from Banks, 177,700 pounds.; herring from Grand Mauan,
2,620,000 by count; herring from Newfoundland, 3,714,000 by count; salt
herring from Newfoundland, 420 barrels; haddock from George's Bank,
93,000 pounds; salt mackerel from Canso, Nova Scotia, 500 barrels.
HALIBUT. The vessels fishing on the eastern part of the George's Bank are doing well. They catch from 3,000 to 6,000 pounds of halibut on a trip. The halibut bring a good price. The average result of a trip to George's Bank is 18,000 pounds of cod and 3,000 pounds of halibut. HERRING.- From St. John to Eastport in the Bay of Fundy, herring are plentiful. The inhabitants of Newfoundland say they have never seen this fish so abundant. The thirty-six sail of vessels at Newfoundland are coming home with full cargoes of frozen herring, each of which averages 650 barrels. Twenty-eight cargoes of frozen herring brought from Grand Manan average 350 barrels each. Fifteen vessels more are at Grand Manan loading. Herring sell at 75 cents per hundred here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. The catchers find plenty of haddock on the George's Banks. They
caught 40,000 pounds in one day last week. Halibut are scarce.
SUMMARY.-During the past week the amount of flsh landed here has been as follows: Fourteen arrivals from the Banks, with 290,000 pounds of fresh halibut; nine arrivals from George's Bank, landing 140,000 pounds of salt fish and 45,000 pounds of halibut; 305,000 pounds of codfish brought in by the vessels using cod gill-nets; six arrivals from Newfoundland with 2,930,000 frozen herring; one arrival from Grand Manan with 250,000 frozen herring. There were 75,000 pounds of haddock anded last week; 400 barrels of salt herring were brought in from Newfoundland. The weather is bad for frozen herring. The wind has been to the eastward for the last eighteen days, with fog and rain. Some of the vessels will lose one-quarter of their cargo by wet weather. Haddock. Haddock are very plenty on George's and full of spawn. The haddock catchers in five days made trips averaging 50,000 pounds to a vessel.The netters are doing well; they land the most of their fish at Portsmouth and Rockport: PRICES. All kinds of fish were low. Haddock sold for 1 cent a
pound, halibut for 6 cents, fresh cod for 2 1/2 cents, and frozen herring
for sixty cents a hundred.
WEEKLY SUMMARY. During last week there were 15 arrivals from George's Bank, landing 379,000 pound of salt cod and 34,500 pounds of fresh halibut. Vessels using cod gill-nets landed 340,000 pounds of large cod at Rockport and Portsmouth. There were 3 arrivals from the Grand Banks with 70,000 pounds of fresh halibut. There was one arrival from the Western Banks with 4,000 pounds of salt cod, and 16,000 pounds of fresh halibut. There was one arrival from Newfoundland
with 375,000 frozen herring; also one arrival from Grand Manan with
20,000 frozen herring. Schooner David A. Story made a trip to
Newfoundland in twenty-one days, the quickest time on record. Nine vessels
are due from Grand Manan with frozen herring. Some of the
vessels using cod gill-nets have hauled up for the winter, three of them
aving used up their nets. Haddock are reported very plenty on the
western part of George's Bank. There has been so much haddock in
the Boston market that it sold for 1 cent a pound all last week.
MONTHLY SUMMARY.-The summary of fish landed in Gloucester uring the month of February is as follows: Fifty-two I arrivals from Georges Bank aggregated 1,131,000 pounds of codfish and 169,000 ounds of fresh halibut. There were four arrivals from the Western tank aggregating 75,000 pounds of salt cod and 54,000 pounds of fresh alibut. There were 183,000 pounds of cod taken by the gill-nets in --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. PAGE 95 Ipswich Bay. These were eighteen arrivals from Grand Banks with 471,000 pouuds of fresh halibut. There were also nine arrivals from Newfoundland bringing 3,615,000 frozen herring and 400 barrels of salt her ring. There were two arrivals from Grand Manan with 570,000 frozen herring and one arrival from Halifax with 120,000 frozen herring. There were two arrivals from George's Bank with 110,000 pounds of haddock. VESSELS.-There were 48 boats engaged in the cod gillnet fishery, most of which landed their catch at Portsmouth and Rockport. The gill-net fishing will continue in Ipswich Bay during this month. The cod caught on George's Bank are small and come from the western end of the Bank. They are fall of spawn. Price The price of fresh fish this week has been high. Fresh cod
sold for 4 cents a pound, fresh haddock for 3 cents a pound, and fresh
halibut sold for 21 cents a pound. The price of salt fish remains the
same as last week. Frozen herring sold at 60 cents per hundred.
VESSELS.-During the coming week there will be about 20 vessels starting south after mackerel and 15 of the Grand Bank fleet will start this week. Last week 45 vessels arrived from George's Bank with good fares. There was a heavy gale there February 28 and 29. The wind blew a hurricane from the northwest. All the vessels that have arrived are more or less damaged, and fears are entertained for the safety of the rest. Last week there were 3 arrivals with frozen herring from Grand Manan. Six more are on the way, which will close the herring business for this winter. The cod gillnetters have not done much this week on account of. the rough weather. . The vessels fishing on George's Bank caught their fish on the western
edge in 28 and 30 fathoms of water; some of them had to cut their
cables to avoid collision. Some had their decks swept of bulwarks,
dories and all. Two men were washed overboard. Haddock are plenty
on the western edge of George's Bank. Four vessels arrived in Boston
with 75,000 pounds each, which sold at 2 3/4 cents a pound, and was the
result of two days' fishing.
COD. During the past forty-eight hours 13 vessels have arrived from, George's Bank with an average of 30,000 pounds of cod to a vessel. These were caught on the western edge in water from 20 to 30 fathoms deep. The fish weigh about 12 pounds each. Two vessels from George's brought 60,000 pounds each while 2 vessels from Western Balk report no fish. The mackerelers are getting ready to go south; 2 sailed last Saturday and 6 to-day. By this week Saturday 25 vessels will have gone south, Haddock continue plenty on George's Bank. There are 25 cargoes at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 96 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Boston averaging 45,000 pounds to a vessel. The price is low, only one
cent a pound today.
COD. The vessels from George's Bank brought in good fares last week, aggregating 1,142,000 pounds. Most of these fish were caught in shoal water from 15 to 18 fathoms deep. The fish are of medium' size, and full of spawn. Vessels that went to the Western Bank report the water very rough and fish scarce. PRICES. There were no fresh halibut landed last week. The price was 20 cents a pound. On Thursday fresh halibut sold for 22 and one half cents per pound. The codfish from gill-nets sold for 1 & one half cents per pound, and haddock for three-fourths of a cent per pound. SOUTHERN MACKEREL. During the week 35 mackerel-catchers
sailed for the south, and 10 more will sail next week. There will be 75
vessels in this fishery this spring. Two more vessels have been lost on
George's Bank, one fishing for haddock and one for cod. The loss
occurred in the gale of February 28-29. The George's vessels find some
squid in the stomach of the cod, and also small mackerel 7 inches in
SUMMARY. During the past week there have been 25 arrivals from George's with good fares. There has been no fresh halibut landed for 14 days, though some of the vessels have been gone 7 weeks. HERRING. There have been 6 arrivals from Western Bank mostly with slim fares. There has also been 5 arrivals from Grand Manan with frozen herring, the last being the schooner Margie Smith, which arrived March 27. That closed the frozen-herring trade. There are now 54 vessels in the south after mackerel. Last night we
had a hurricane which drove some vessels ashore. The snow in some
places is a foot deep, and the thermometer went down to 30 degrees F.
MONTHLY SUMMARY.-The total amount of fish landed at Gloucester during the month of March was as follows: Codfish from George's Bank, 3,468,000 pounds; halibut from George's Bank, 69,370 pounds; cod from Western Bank, 286,000 pounds; halibut from the Western Bank, 48,900 pounds; fresh halibut from the Banks, 70,000 pounds; haddock from George's Bank, sold to be split on the wharf, 365,000 pounds; frozen herring from Grand Mauan, 2,263,000 by count. There was also received by freight from Maine 600 quintals of dried mixed fish. The schooner Reaper also brought from Maine 1,600 boxes of smoked herring. The cod gill nets have taken in March 1,137,000 pounds of cod. The boats, 18 in number, engaged in this fishery are doing well. Those
that have used up their nets are fitting out for the spring fishing. There
will probably be good fishing in Ipswich Bay all this month.
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