BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION 1884 back Table of Contents. (Image of TOC) TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ancher, Ernst, 82. The Kurren and Keitell (fishing vessels) of the Courland Haf 167 Annin, jr. James. 40 Poachers or Destructive Visitors of Fish Ponds 85 Atkins, Charles G., 85. Memoranda relative to Inclosures for the Confinement of Salmon,
drawn from
Atwater, W. O., 107. Tables illustrative of the Nutritive Value of Fish. 203
Baird S. F., 72. Report on the Working of the Boilers and Engine of the United States Fish Commission
Steamer Albatross. 145
Baird, S. F., 90. On the Specimens received by the Smithsonian Institution from the United States Life Saving Service. 177 Baldwin, Charles H., 175 Notes on the Fish and Fisheries of Japan 352 Baumeyer, Monsieur, 19. American Lake Trout and Whitefish in France 52 Barber. C. H., 41. Success in Raising Landlocked Salmon 41 Bean, Tarleton H., 154. Brook Trout from Monadnock Lake and Cristine Lake, New Hampshire. 293 Blackford, E.G., 49. Carp in an Installment of Shad from James River 112 Borne, Max von Dem, 52. Success of Fish-culture. 115
Bottemanne, C. J., 84. Penning of Salmon in Order to secure their Eggs. 169 Bower, Seymour, 50. Instructions for Taking Whitefish Eggs. 113 Brakeley, John H., 96. Plants for Carp Ponds 159 Brocchii, P., 46. Report on the Condition of Oyster Culture in France in 1881. 97 Brumme, Dr., 165. Great Results obtained with Little Water. 329 Butcher, E. Z., 108. How to Avoid a Soft or Muddy Taste of Carp 205 Carpenter, Charles, 156. What Muskrats sometimes Eat. 295 Carr, T.F. Robertson, 24. Notes on the Scotch Herring Fisheries. 60
Casella, Louis P., 201. Treatment of the Casella-Miller Thermometer. 415 Certes, A., 210. Notes upon the Effect of High Pressures on the Vitality of Minute Freshwater and Saltwater Organisms. 433 Chapman, Sr., Pearson, 26. Habits of the Shad and Herring, as they Appear in the Potomac River to One who has Watched them for Fifty Years. 61 Christensen. R., 146. Notes on the History of the Fish-hook 282 Clark, A. Howard, 198. Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. 401 Collins, J. W., 5. Movements of Mackerel in Winter. 15
Collins, J. W., 113. An adventure with a Whale in the River Tay, Scotland. 213
Coxe, Frank, 124. Opening The Broad and other Rivers of North Carolina to Shad, Bass, &c. 232 Crittenden. A. R. 136. Catching Alewives with Hooks Baited with Eels 255 Curtis, J.E. 168. Fish in the National Park and Tributaries of Snake River. Propagation of Whitefish. 335 Dall, W. 57. Notes on Fishing Products exported from San Francisco, Cal., during the year 1883. 125 d'Homergue, Louis C., 100. Brief of the Objections made before Leon Abbott, Governor of New Jersey, to the " Act to Prohibit Fishing by Steam Vessels with Shirred or Purse Seines in any of the Waters within the Jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey. 189 Dowell, B.F. 27. Efforts in Trout Culture 64
Duke, R.T.W. 8. A four-pound Carp lives Eight Hours out of Water by being Packed in wet moss 16 Dukehart, J.P. 69. Transfer of Soft-shell Terrapin from the Ohio to the Potomac River. 143 Dunn, Matthias. 34. Number of Eggs in the Gadidas. 70 Dunning, Philo, 212. Two hundred tons of dead Fish, mostly Perch, at Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. 439 Earll, R. E. 202. Hatching Black fish and Spanish Mackerel 415 Elliott, Henry The Destruction of Carp by the Muskrat (Fiber zibethicus). Methods of Trapping the Rodent 296 Ewart, J. Cossar, 103. On the Natural and Artificial Fertilization of Sea-herring Eggs. 793 Ferguson, T. B., 133. Extracts from a Report of Investigations of the Shad Fisheries and Rivers south of Charleston, S. C., with a view to establishing Stations for Artificial Propagation. 244 Finely, Chas. L, 44. Shad in Oregon Waters. A new Salmon Hatchery. 88
Finn, W. 167. Can Herring live and increase in Inclosed Waters? 333 Fisher, Wm. J., 60. Statement of the Catch of the several Companies engaged in the salmon fisheries in Kadiak District Alaska Territory during the year 1883. 134 Forbes, R.B. 14. Loss of Life and property in the Fisheries. 181 Forbes, S.A.. Destruction of Fish-food by Bladderwort (Utricularia) 443 Friedlaender, Oscar O., 14. Notes on the Menhaden Fishing of 1883. 47 Fuller, Thomas, 4. Carp in England in the Seventeenth Century. 14 Garman, Samuel, In regard to the "Sea-serpent" of Literature. 128 Gerber, jr. C. 73. How to cook Carp. 151 Goode, G. Brown. 222. The Oyster Industry of the World. 468 Greenfield, Alfred, 101. Report upon the Receipt and Hatching of American Whitefish Ova and Planting of the Fry in Australia. 190 Haack, Director. 183. Trapping Kingfishers, Rodents, and other Enemies of Trout. 375 Habersham, William Ney A., 18. Note on the Use of the Male Salmon Hook, and the run of 1883 . 52 Hamlen, WM. 109. Reconnaissance of Florida Rivers, with a view to Shad hatching. 206 Harrell, Dock, 215 . Trapping Gasperea in Tangipahoa River 448 Harris, Gwynn, 2. Report upon the Shad and Herring Fisheries of the Potomac River for 1883. 13
Harz, C. O, 216. On Manufactured Food for Trout and Carp 499 Hearder, William, 68, Waterproofing for Herring-nets. 143 Heath, Neil, 180. Effect of Cold on Fishes 369 Hector, James. 20 The Fisheries of New Zealand. 53 Hensmann, John T. 81. American Black Bass placed in the River Nene, England. 166 Herndon C.G. Sanitary Report on Old Providence Island, United States of Colombia. 412 Hess I.R. 50. Culture of Edible Snails. 166
Hinkelmann, Herr, 192, The Mode of Life of Eels. 189 Hoffmann, R.E., 221. Artificial Sea-water for Aquaria. 405 Holden, E. C., 161. The Columbia River Salmon--A Hatchery needed. 304 Hovey, H. C., 172. The Sturgeon Fishery 340 Hoxie, Walter, 37. Occurrence of Mullet in Fresh Water. 80 Hudson, George A., 54. Carp Caught in Ogeechee River. 123 Hughes, Smith E.,184. Experiments in Penning Sea-fish 377 Huske, C. J. 77. Report on the Shad Work in South Carolina in 1883--Transportation of Shad-eggs on Trays. 161
Joncas, L. Z., 219. The Canadian Fisheries 457 Jones, J.F.,163: The Speckled Catfish. 321 Jordan,David S. 35. The Fishes of Florida Keys. 77
Kensington, E.T., 31. Composition of some of the Food-fishes. 74 Kenworthy, C.J., 36. Food Qualities of Tarpum (Megalops) 80. Koons, B. F., 42. Planting Irish Shells--Helix aspersa Miller--at Wood's Holl, Mass. 87 Kunkel, Professor, 195. On the Conditions under which Trout exist in the German Waters 393 Laflin & Co., 121. Need of a National Law to Regulate the Size of Mesh of both Pound and Gill nets on the Great Lakes. 223 La Motte, Alfred V., 56. Comision de Piscicultura de la Republica Mexicana. 124 Leslie, Charles C., 137. On the Cultivation of Soft-shell Crabs. 256 Loomis, Watts T., 149. A Landlocked Salmon caught in Erie Canal. 288 Lord, Henry W.,174. The Fish of Devil's Lake, Dakota 351 Lowell, James Russell, 152. Thanks of the Executive Committee of the London International Fisheries Exhibition for the Participation by the United States. 291 McDonald, Marshall, 104. Shad Eggs sent to Cold Spring Harbor, New York, to be hatched. 198
Mackrill, Alfred, 32. A Great Carp. 75 McMenamin & Co., 15. Method of Catching Crabs. 48 Maitland, James G., 51. Exchange of Landlocked Salmon Eggs from Maine, for Loch Leven Trout Ova from Scotland. 114 Malmgren, A. J., 164. The Migrations of the Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Baltic. 322 Manley, J. J.. 25. American Fish introduced in English Waters. 60
Martin, S,J., 45. Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. 89
Maslieurat-Lagemard, Dr., 70. Acclimatization of Salmo quinnat in France. 144 Mather, Fred, 53. Notes on Cod, Shrimp, &c., at Cold Spring Harbor. 123 Meek, Seth E.,47. A Note on the Cuban Eel. 111 Merchant, Jr., George. 67. The Incipiency of Night-Seining for Mackerel. 142 Merriam C. Hart, 148. The Fish of Lake Champlain. 287
Miller, John F., 66. Proposed Introduction of Hawaiian Mullet into the United States. 141 Miller, W. B., 99. An Act to Prohibit Fishing by Steam Vessels with Shirred or Purse seines in any of the Waters within the Jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey. 187 Moseley, H. N., 139. A Carnivorous Plant preying on Vertebrata. 259
Nickerson, Seth, 97. Destruction of Small Fish in Weirs. 184 Nicklas, Carl, 217. On Manufactured Food for Trout and Carp. 453 Nowicki, M. 111. Anton Pintsch's Movable Fish-way. 209 Palmer, B. D., 55. Carp appear February 7, take the hook, and are excellent eating. 124 Paulsen, Paul George, 194. The World's Market for Klip-fish, Roe, and Herring. 392 Peirce, Milton P. 95. Resuscitation of Apparently Dead Carp. 183 Peixotto, Benjamin F., 203. The Sea-fisheries of France and Algiers. 417 Phillips, Barnet, 61. Some Notes on the Mullet Fisheries. 135
Pierce, H. D. 142. Notes on the Bluefish. Mortality of Florida fishes. 263 Pierce, H. D., 166. Some of the Difficulties which Confront Oyster Breeders. 332 Proctor, Richard A., 21. A Marine Monster. 55 Quattlebaum, Paul, 185. Method of Catching Carp with a Hook. 380 Rathbun, Richard, 205. Notes on the Decrease of Iobsters. 421 Raveret-Wattel, C. 159. Notes on a Disease Affecting Crawfish in Germany. 299 Redding, Joseph D., 143. Character of the Carp introduced by Capt. Henry Robinson about 1830. 266 Robinson W. Russell, 151. A California Salmon taken in James River. 290 Rumpff, Carl, 178. The Oyster as a Popular Article of Food in North America. 356 Ryder, John A. 9. On a new Form of Filter or Diaphragm to be used in the Culture of Oysters in Ponds. 17
Scherzer, Karl von, l73. The Cultivation of the Sea. 348 Scudder, Charles W., 92. Vitality of German Carp, and Restoration of some apparently Dead. 179
Sheley, G. A., 116. Destruction of Fish caused by Nets of Small Mesh in Lake Michigan. 353 Siler, Andrew L., 17. Depletion of Fish in Panquitch and Bear Lakes, Utah. 51
Smart, Goldsmith, and Johnson, 43. A Chinese Method of Fish Culture. 88 Smiley, Chas. W., 1. Inspection of Fish and other Marine Products in the District of Columbia 1879 to 1883, inclusive. 1
Stearns, R.E.C.,117. Transportation of Clams and Oysters. 219 Stearns. Silas, 150. On the Position and Character of the Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Mexico 289 Stone, E. 115. Notes on the Great Lake Fisheries, Depletion of Black Bass, &c. 218 Stone, Livingston, 91. Weights of Salmon taken at McCloud River Station in 1880. 178 Stover E.S. 206. Rearing Carp in Alkaline Water. 426 Tarr, R. S., 22. Return to Gloucester Harbor of the young Codfish hatched by the States Fish Commission. 57 Thompson, Edward, 89. Edible Qualities of Carp. 176 Thompson, Edward H, 110. Note on the Breeding of Eels. 208 True, Frederick W., 209. Porpoise-fishing at Cape May, New Jersey. 431 Valery-Mayot Prof., 62. Acclimatization of Salmo quinnat in France. 138 Van Mater, J. 15., 3. Occurrence of Balistes vetula on the New Jersey Coast. 13 Wallem, Fredrik M. Exports of Fish-oil from Norway, 1873-'82. 382 Warner, J. S. 118. Catching Fish in a Creek in Tennessee by a Water Snake. 220 Wheeler , L, T., 120. A new Method of Protecting the Eggs of Carp and Rearing the Young. 221 Whitcombe, W. P. 10. Notes on the Acclimatization of Fish in Victoria, Australia. 31