BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION 1900 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Original image of TOC FIRST PART. Preface, by the Commissioner....IX-X. Summary of the Scientific Results of the Fish Commission Expedition to Porto Rico, by Barton Warren Evermann... XI-XV General Report on the Investigations, by Barton Warren Evermann...1-20 The Fisheries and Fish Trade of Porto Rico, by William A. W ilcox...27-48 The Fishes of Porto Rico; by Barton W. Evermann and Millard Caleb Marsh..49-350 The Mollusca of Porto Rico, by William Healey Dall and Charles Torrey Simpson ...351-524 SECOND PART. The Brachyura and Macrura of Porto Rico, by Mary J. Rathbun...1-127 The Anomuran Collections, by James E. Benedict...129-148 The Stomatopoda of Porto Rico, by Robert Payne Bigelow ...149-160 The Porto Rican Isopoda, by H. F. Moore... 161-176 The Cirripedia collected near Porto Rico, by Maurice A. Bigelow ...177-180 The Polychaetous Annelids of Porto Rico, by A. L. Treadwell...181-210 Description of two new Leeches from Porto Rico, by J. Percy Moore..211-222 The Nemerteans of Porto Rico, by Wesley R. Coe...223-229 The Echinoderms of Porto Rico, by Hubert Lyman Clark...231-263 The Alcyonaria of Porto Rico, by Charles W. Hargitt and Charles G. Rogers ...265-287 The Stony Corals of the Porto Rican Waters, by T. `Vayland Vaughan...289-320 The Actinians of Porto Rico, by J. E. Duerden....321-374 The Sponges collected in Porto Rico in 1899, by H. V. Wilson...375-411 The Foraminifera of Porto Rico, by James M. Flint...413-416