Welcome everyone to Ocean Focus Teleconference, you may call in and listen. There will be a public question and answer session from Noon to 12:30 Call In Number:1-887-930-6875 Passcode: 2197783 November 16, 2010 (10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) . This is a real joy and privilege to do this. Let me tell you why. In 1991, I undertook a prayer quest that had a great influence on my role in life since. For the spirit of God came to me when I was fasting, deep in a desert cave, uncertain of future. then His command rang clearly through the ancient lava walls around me of that Southwestern cliff. The Lord told me to consider my works stewarding Chesapeake Bay to be over; now I was to begin again, start over at the high tide line of Penobscot Bay and work deeper into the waters of the Gulf of Maine. That I was to protect His cod, and by extension the wild salt ecosystem that this great fish calls home, and all its wild residents. Because of my injuries and infirmities, I have undertaken this adventure with fear, sure of failure; but have found over the years that, amid the many setbacks, I have in small ways had the opportunity to express God's will to the worldly agencies in such as way to to protect part of His natural Kingdom. While I do care about my fellow human beings, and express that in prison reform activities and care of an aging loved one, I am not called to attend to the greater affairs of mankind. For me, Jesus Christ discarded and rejected notions of Chosen and unChosen peoples. (As you can see I am a believer in Jesus as He expresses Himself directly through the Gospels, and not the various imperfect revelations of men that, for me, the rest of the New and Old Testaments is mostly composed of. To believe otherwise is to hold that God's many mansions range from palaces to heavenly hovels, based on a seniority system that might be attractive to Pharisees or modern day Haredi but not to Our Lord, who bade us to leave our predecessors, our ancestral families, to follow Him. For that reason your occasional strayings fromn Christ's teachings to that of earlier religions, while interesting, brings me more sadness than joy. Please read the book Operation Breathing Ocean, ask your friends to share it, get your house group to use it. The link below shows you the resources available For the ocean breathes. The energy of our Sun radiates upon our atmosphere and into the waters, bringing forth the world's Great Winds. Upon contact, these winds translate via Ekman Transport into the water column as kinetic energy, Reverberating down through the water column, from surface ripples down into the depths. Then modified by the passing moon's pull, by the shape and submerged geography of that particular area of the sea, In company with lunar energy As agreed upon by Hindu, Christian, Moslem Jewish, Buddhist and other religions of the present and past every world religion would agree: without this energizing spirit of God's breath upon the waters there would be no life on earth. http://www.penbay.org/oceanwind Coupled with the Gulf of Maine we will be praying for the wild residents of the midatlantic coast midatlantic Bight residents. shortly (China Cry and India Interest) Whatever you do, please do not delete these prayer needs. We can and will change the world my friends, because God is pleased to answer the fervent prayers of His saints.. amen James 5:16-18 Let us start my friends with God's people Israel Area 20,700 sq km Population 7 million Capital Jerusalem Main Religion Jewish Evangelical Population 31,045 Growth Rate per year 5 % Praise The number of Messianic Jews is increasing and God is pouring out his Spirit in a real way The wonderful response of Jews outside of Israel Prayer Pray for the restoration of Israel. That there would be a great turning to Christ Ezekiel 20:32-34 and Romans 11:25-31 Pray for a resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, that this is fair and just on both sides Many Jews have a mindset against Christianity. Please pray fervently that this is broken down and many turn to Jesus and accept him as Messiah and Redeemer Please pray fervently for unity, between the Israeli believers, the Arab believers and Missionaries. Pray that barriers will be broken down and that All Israel will see the joy of God's people living in Unity - Psalm 133 Pray for the Churches and believers in Israel, that they have the following: Boldness to share the Gospel without fear or compromise Full Immigration and Legal rights For the training of Godly pastors. there are now training Colleges in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. For the Arab Believers, that they grow in Faith and are able to stand strong in their faith Much persecution happens. Pray that the Church and Individual believer, would stand strong in the Lord Major Outreach Challenges The Haredi are the modern Day Pharisees, and wield great power. But even among them, there has been a moving of the Spirit. Pray they, like Nicodemus, might come to a living faith Jews that have immigrated from Russia and Poland are more receptive to the gospel, but many still need to be reached. Pray that the Lord will send labourers into the harvest. The Ethiopian Jews number over 1.2 million and are a despised underclass. There are many who need to be reached with the Gospel The Arabs, need to hear the Gospel. Please pray that God would send out people to harvest them The Druze Community in Israel, the Golan Heights and the West Bank. A move of the Spirit, has already started, but people who do trust Jesus come under intense persecution. Pray for protection and this work to grow. Guest workers..Many who serve in Israel are believers Young People and Children. Pray that they would hear the Gospel Supportive Ministries Pray for the bible society, which distributes over 100,000 bibles annually. Also for the 4 Messanic Magazines that have a large readership. Please pray for fruit as the word of God goes forth in Israel Pray for the ministries of Fellowship of Christian Students and hearts to serve as they seek to reach the Student population. Pray for the 150 Christian students linked to 10 groups The Jesus film is available in 10 languages and has already had great impact. Pray that this continues. Radio.. Several radio broadcasts in Russian , Hebrew and Arabic. The Internet is used widely. Please pray that there will be a number of sites that can speak to the people and apply the truths of the bible in a culturally relevant setting Father in the Name of Jesus, we thank you that you have given us the opportunity to prayer for your people and we ask that your church is given power like in Acts 1:8, to change the whole country of Israel. We ask that you would energise your church and enable it to share the gospel and to change Israel Thank you for joining me in prayer God bless you Keith