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TABLE 3.-Outer Gulf of Maine fishing grounds

Grand Manan Bank
Middle Ground
Marblehead Bank
German Bank
Jones Ground
Bank Comfort
Clay Bank
Newfound (off Jeffreys Bank)
Jeffreys Bank
Toothaker Ridge
Cashes Bank
Ridge east ot Cashes

Ridge northwest of Cashes
Cashes Big Ridge
Ridge north of Georges
John Dyers Ridge
Fifty-five Fathom Bunch
Fippenies Bank
Ridge south of Fippenies
Maurice Lubees Ground
Harvey Blacks Ridge
Cod Ridge
Three-Dory Ridge Platts Bank; New Ledge
Jeffreys Ledge
Cove west of Jeffreys
Clay Ridge
Jerry Yorks Ridge
Howard Nunans Ridge
Southeast Jeffreys.
Southeast Cove (Jeffreys and Tillies)
Eastern Shoal Water
Shoal Ground
Tillies Bank
Stellwagen,or Middle Bank
Wild Cat Ridge

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