
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine

Outer Kettle; Kettle Bottom The center of this ground bears S. from Seguin Island, from which the northern edge of the ground is distant 10 miles. Its length is 12 miles in a N. and S. direction, and its width 10 miles, thus being roughly circular in forum. It is an uneven piece of bottom consisting of rocks, gravel, and mud. The depths range from 25 to 75 fathoms.

This is one of the best fishing grounds on this part of the coast. Cod are the most abundant fish and are taken the year around. haddock are plentiful in the winter months and cusk are present all the year in the 50-fathom depths.

Fishing here is by trawl, hand line, and gill nets operated by small boats, sloops, and, in the rougher weather of the winter. larger vessels, which visit it also, generally to make one "set" at a season when a "fish day" (one on which it is possible to fish) is the exception.