
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine

Western Ridge (or Green Island Ridge) and the Pigeon Ground. The entire bay between Vinalhaven and Matinicus and Green Islands is full of broken, rocky patches of fishing ground. certain portions of which have received local names from the fishermen of the vicinity. The northern portion of Western Ridge lies 6½ miles NW. by W. from Matinicus Rock, from which the ground extends about 7 miles in a SSW. direction. The greatest width is not over 1 mile. Depths are from 15 to 30 fathoms. The bottom is broken and rocky.

It is a good cod ground in the spring and fall. Haddock are found here in June, November. and December. In summer this is a good hake ground. Halibut are found on the shoals (10 fathoms) and about the northern part of Western Green Island, on the sandy bottom during June and July.