HEATH, SMOKEY, INMATE. NUMBER 127872 Grievance Log # 09-6-26789 Current Inmate Location: Santa Rosa Correctional Institute Housing Location B1210U PART B - RESPONSE MAILED/FILED WITH AGENCY CLERK, AUGUST 21, 2009 Your request for administrative appeal is in non-compliance with the Rules of the Deparlment of Corrections,Chapter 33-103, Inmate Grievance Procedure The rule requires that you first submit your appeal at the appropriate level at the institution. you have not done so or you have no provided this ofice with a copy of that appeal, nor have you provided a valid or acceptable reason for not following the rules. The institution should be given the opportunity to respond to your issue. If in fact you did submit a grievance at the appropriate local leval, and this appeal to the central office was receipted within 15 days of the date of the response you received, your are allow and additional 15 days from the date this response was mailed (date stamped in upper left corner), to submit a new appeal at the next appropriate level and attach a copy of the required grievance. This office will not review an appeal that was not filed within the time frames established by rule. Based on the foregoing information, your grievance is returned without action. COPY DISTRIBUTION.INSTITUTlON I FACILITY {2 Copies) lnmate (1 Copy) lnmate's File (1 Copy) Retained by Otficial Responding COPY DTSTRIBUTION . CENTRAL OFFICE (1 Copy) lnrnate ( l Copy) lnmate's Fite - lnsi.lFacility (1 Copy) C.O. lnmate File 11 4.c,,\ Rer?ined !', Offlaia! Rescondiag Basedontheforegoinginformation,yourgrievanceisreturnedwithoutaction. E. STINE