Sean Greenleaf, 32 Michael Chasse stands out, as he was the hostage taker at MSP and would be expected to be in danger if kept there...He told me he expected to be moved; got 40 years... Ponte - if we could work with you on this if not support as this is currently witten I would oppose it It takes the decisionamking authoriy away form the department and most of those transfers are not voluntary ait would defeat the whole purpose. In some cases there are positive outcomes leave the path I'm not aware in the facility of people who are not allowed to return the problem is it is a small system like maine you don;'t have a lot of options in a sibigger system you have a lot of options. But here one really high security facility in this prison 6 never ending 6:25 pam Belanger 7:50 Huber that's it how can this be done Belanger out since sept 18 , 2009 12min Chapman arrives 16:40 Ponte replies to us take a hard line becuase at these demos people can get hurt 18:35 What'as the option to this bill ? 1845 Ponte would like to see as we do in normal situations a kind of treatment plan or "case management plan" So he'd need to do these things to be eligible to come back; that's not unusual to tell someone for a release plan Custody placement. We have these situations where these things happen that theres some time of planning when they leave If they're doing okay in the population in another prison, then I'd have the expectation he'd probably do okay here 19:40 Ron unless that is somewhow worked into the statute or the rule, its is sort of an optional thing. that's the problem its been way too arbitrary . JP yeah RH. If there's some way of looking at this. Reads first sentence of bill addition ''..unless written consent or transfer approved by a court" That's becuase of the expense of the court? JP It causes internal confusion, we have legal authority to do it at this point I ought not to give that up because they are a piece of how we maintain order in prisons and jails I wouldn't want to want to give that to a court becuase t there is an expanse there's a time frame and other issues that come into play. We're relaly not doing anything here I understand the family concerns We not doing anything to extend his sentence. Not changing his sentence we're just changing his housing" ABelanger: He feels discarded. JP What? ABelanger he feels like he's been discarded from the state of Maine He's written to the Governor and senators congressman and kinda felt like no one cares, no one could be bothered, and good luck, basically is what . JP We could sit around and talk about it but, I need to get some support, and classication management probably has that information on how he's doing. And then to set some type of return plan, where if you do these things I' d be willing to set down the lines of return plan. If you do these things. If instead you start organizing and getting into fights, and you continue to organize and get in fights, well apparently you haven't got the message yet. But if you are better consistently over a period of time, that is what I'd look at and say if you're doing okay in that setting, and you want to come down into that same type of custody level here. But you and I and nobody in this room caused him to do what he did. He's responsiblible for what he did I'd be willing to work with him or anybody. and say this is your plan to come back. It is a privile ge to come back 23 RH How to make this an official policy? 23:30 The way things are in the past, can't change that. Keep everybody safe I don't 24:10 if anything if we could get together and take responsbility and How a case mangement plan you 28:1 5 most of that can be put in a policy 2940 chapman 32:15. If it (the hearing) is two or three weeks out, it shouldn't be a problem to develop the policy 33;40 belanger I'd like to see him come back We saw the same things with others. s Deane brown a convicted burglar/robber. 59 years for that I guess you'd say, like their son, because he'd gotten coming on my radio show every saturday and actuall gotten disgruntled guards to give him info to air about the former warden. They got very upset and ..same thing. Now its been 5 years going on 6 and he's still out there I think he's very chastened by it while it might still be possible to continue having inmates on the radio, not one will call now. He's a powerful example/ yet I think, done correctly with some kind of safeguards; I've talked a little bit with the warden about that 36:45 JP In some of those cases, I'm really big on "Let's iron out the facts". Discover what's going on, and we're starting over. Whatever; sometime get inmates who kinda bug out with.... problems A lot of time its getting down to what are the facts? Let's work on fixing that and not try to react to something that's kind of of the charts, that takes a lot of time. That's my only concern. Its a political(? ) issue. Let's go have a look at it, and see what can happen 37:28 RH If that policy is there, Mr Brown and Mr, Belanger, many inmates have become jailhouse lawyers, cause there's nothing else to do. They learn the policies and things If you develop a policy that shows a route back, you'll find very eager persons wishing to do that. There may be some who are simply too violent or otherwise... that shouldn't be returned. JP 38:05 38:25 RH Two prisoners have sent 43:33 47:35 RH You can develop a policy that show prisoners a route back? JP what we have in general terms is a treatment plan or case management plan for someone sent out of state involuntary, because sometimes people want to go, then they'll have a case management plan, a paper plan, on what they need to do to be acceptable for return. RH Some sort of openness to either family or something? If the family can review the treatment plan along with people here. JP We can tell him or her these are the things he needs to do. Whatever his stage was in population start to do well in programs, start start to have drug historyies just basic ckind of If you can stay disciplinary-free in a general population in another state my expectatino is you can do the same thing here RH is there disciplinary things everything from the small to getting in fights so there's be some criticial point JP Seriousness. Minor rule violations won't count. RH to bellangers: You think that'd give him a fair shake B: Yes. RH Smiling parents of a prisoner JP Everybody understand the difficulty of what we're doing in management. I understand the pain of not seeing someone you care about We need to make those decisions I don't think they need to be in the little things. And if we were to bring him back and he didn't it again, I think everyone would say well ? Change takes time Hopefully sojmeting ahppens . 50:00 Belanger Is there some sort of time frame you may be able to put on things? Six months a year ? JP Yes I haven't read his case, I have no history of him.... If he's in segregation still, I'd like to see him get into population. And do okay in population Now I have got to have someone check with the florida system. They say we think he's going to be in segregation a few more months My plan would porbably go about a year: I want you out of segregation i want you into population functioning, no problems if you can do that probably you can come back, Its hard in segregation you're lijmited in what you can do I'd like to see you in population doing well.