(Reconciliation file civil rightsd suits against Lord and Doughty) Ideas/Issues/facts pertaining to transfers * There is no direction in who to contact in regards to requesting a return transfer, other than being told all requests go to the interstate compact administrator who then says he has nothing to do with approving or not, and the request will be forwarded. To who and to where is never known, or when. *There is no policy allowing an inmate about to be transferred any opportunity to argue a case in order to stay. * Exact reasons for transfer are not known until / if the receiving state provides paper work indicating why, thus not allowing any arguments for the inmate to try make. * The system for transferring inmates out seems non-existent, (or criteria): example: I was being told because of the assault I committed that was why I was being transferred, yet another inmate with an exact offense (stabbing) was released back into population, though he requested/begged to be transferred. Others for talking to media, others too many grievances. * Unless a unit manager, etc, decides to inform an inmate, individuals are in the dark about even being considered for transfer. So if the transfer occurs, the inmate's family will be in the dark to where their family member even is, or if they're O.K. until a letter or phone call can be made. Sometimes taking weeks to months. * If a disciplinary violation has been dismissed, or found not guilty, those violations should be excluded from the inmate's file. Example - being shipped to another state a disciplinary violation of bodily injury I was found not guilty of, was still sent, thus the new state used _this_ incident to determine my level score higher than what may have been had it not been included, and determined me violent because of it. ---------Page 2.--------- Requirements in order to return back should be constructed and based upon main reasoning for original transfer. Example - inmate transferred for serious assault - anger managment programs or other programs dealing with vbiolence, how to reframe. * Many inmates with a considerable amount of time request to be transferred because lack of family around, etc, yet never considered. It seems to be those who don't want to be and have family are chosen. * Information in an inmate's file sent with transfer is not known until processing is done in the receiving state. So any chance to prepare a defense, (as my case that I was/am a gang member, though I am not) isn't possible. Which then becomes more loops and holes and problems for inmates to go through and prove otherwise. * A lot of incidents individuals are informed they will never return to population and are manipulated into requesting a transfer out and do so in order to try and remain close to family. I have been told by unit managers if I had ever wanted to return, administration would do all it could to prevent this because of "who I am". Like other inmates trransferredthese determination to keep us from returning isn't based on the original reasons one was sent off to begin with, but simply a dislike, regardless if positive conduct etc has been shown. Example - I have had 1 disciplinaryviolation since 2006, yet the DOC is basing my return on my crime and publicity that came from it, not my actual conduct if my request was/is being reviewed and/or considered. .