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Maine Legislature holds May 12, 2011 public hearings on LD 1500. An Act to Establish Positive Reentry Parole.
Listen to MP3s of the hearing on this bill. The hearing was interrupted by a roll call vote requiring legislators to depart the committee for another chamber. Some LD 1500 supporters at the start of part 2 weren't recorded upon legislators' restart of the committee. (sorry!)


Introduction of LD 1500 by Representative Tuttle. 4min.
Tuttle Q&A 8min
Kay Page. 4min
Liz Mockler 4 min
Peter Lehman 4min
Phillip Trostel and Q&A. 8min
Robert Hargraves. 3min
Judy Garvey & Q&A 6min
Lisa Williams. 4min.
Rob Belton 2 min

End of first part of hearing on LD 1500 (interrupted by senate and house roll call votes)

Continued supporters of LD 1500
Laurie Norman. 2min
Kimberly Gauthier
Jennifer Gauthier
Mark Brown
Priscilla Smovick

Denise Giles 10 minutes
Dep Atty General Stokes, & Q&A 43 minutes
Unidentified man 8 minutes
Cathy McDaniel
Julia Colpitts. 4 minutes
Michael Okeefe. 5 minutes
Debby Dale, Diane Gagnon, Vicky Dale 9 minutes.
Elizabeth Woods-Saxl 5 minutes
Leanne Hicks 38 seconds
Closing remarks 1 minute.

Complete 1st hour: Introduction & Supporters. 60 min ****Supporters part 2. 13 minutes