* Deane Brown's 2006 lawsuit against his being forbidden to be a journalist and against being exiled for being one anyway.

Browns Complaint Lawsuit Filed in Federal Court

Federal Magistrate Judge Kravchuk's rulings on this case. All files pdf unless noted otherwise.

Federal Magistrate Judge Margaret J. Kravchuk's recommended decisions on Brown's lawsuit.

* Recommendation on Defendant Martin Magnusson, Commissioner of Corrections' Motion to Dismiss Granted in part.

* Recommendation on Brown's Motion

* Rec Decision Re: Browns exhaustion of claims Granted

* Rec Decision Re: motion by Deputy Warden Nelson Riley, Sergeant David Cutler, guard Troy Ross, and Unit Manager Russell Worcester to dismiss their part of case. Granted

* Rec Decision Re motion by Douglas Starbird, Supermax Manager, to dismiss. Granted

* Judge Kravchuk recommends dismissing part of Brown's Case in part. but not another part

* Recommended decision on motions by Warden Jeffrey Merril and James O'Farrell, Deputy Warden to dismiss. Granted

More to come.

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