
July 26, 2005

Karen Anderson
Maine State Prison
807 Cushing Road
Warren, Maine 04864

Dear Ms. Anderson,

I am in receipt of a letter that was sent to inmate Deane Brown dated July 18, 2005, in which you inform him that he was "found to have made a 3 way call on 07/15/05." The letter goes on to inform Mr. Brown that because of this action, his telephone privileges have been suspended for thirty days, starting July 19, 2005.

I am writing to inform you that the call was NOT a three way call, and that it took place via a single phone in the home of a person that Mr Brown is permitted to contact by telephone. I am asking that you review your decision to sanction Mr. Brown, as he did not violate Department of Corrections rules barring three way telephone calls in the course of the July 15, 2005 call, and we do not wish for him to be unjustly punished.

Please let me know of your decision in this matter. If you have any questions I may be contacted at WRFR at (207) 504-0721 or by email at


Ron Huber, producer
Weekend Roundtable
WRFR Community Radio