TEMPLATES OLD TIME RADIO Intro music fade 3/4 for Intro (softly ) Hello everybody Its time to relax. Kick back. IT IS TIME FOR OLD TIME RADIO Just for an hour, lLet's tune out the politics and other issues of the day demanding your attention and your money. Slip instead into the wonderful alternative world of radio theatre. This genre had its heyday between 1940 and 1970. Before ubiquitous television took its place Storytelling and listening to storytellers is important. Unlike film and television the story listener's own creativity is enlisted. YOU must drape the verbal story with imaginary or historic person's with their environments - from here to the farthest imagine reaches of the universe. All described by the teller, but all brought into form by the listener's imagination. YOUR imagination Today's story ____________________________________ written by _____________ in 19____. This hourlong tale takes us to _____ as portrayed by this feature's radio actors __________ and ______ So relax and enjoy __________________________________ on Old time radio 15 MINUTE BREAKS You are listening to the story _________ on WRFR's Old time Radio CLOSER Well! that was ________________ and ____ performing the 19__ story _______. ON _____ THANK YOUI FOR LISTENING If you have a favorite radio theatre story you would like aired . Contact Ron Huber at 691-4634 by email coastwatch@gmail.com