The Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. Selected Gulf of Maine reports 1881-1901. (1)
Reports from New England port agents, fishermen and naturalists describing the fish and fisheries of New England and Atlantic Canada in the late 19th century. About the U.S. Fish Commission. ...Schooners mentioned in the reports...These reports in Chronological Order. ![]() ARRANGED BY SUBJECT
COD (Use back button to return)
Cod-fishing with gill-nets in Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts.
Success of the Gillnet Cod Fishery on the New England Coast, Winter of 1882-83
Return to Gloucester of young codfish hatched by United States Fish Commission
in 1879
What Cod Sometimes Swallow 1884
Return to Gloucester Harbor of the Young Codfish hatched by the U.S. Fish Commission 1884
Some Observations on the Cod Gill-Net Fisheries and on Preservatives for nets. 1884
Unusual Abundance of Cod on Brown's Bank 1885
Vegetable Parasites of Codfish 1886
Scarcity of Cod and Haddock on the coast of Maine 1886
Some reasons why the cod fishermen of Nova Scotia prefer to use salt clams 1887
DOGFISH & SHARKS (Use back button to return)
Appearance of Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) on the New England Coast in Winter 1882
Catching Dogfish for Oil and Guano. 1882
Note on the Destruction of Mackerel by Dogfish. 1885
Fishing on an edge of the Grand Banks 1885
HADDOCK (Use back button to return)
The Haddock Fishery Fifty Years Ago. 1873
The Winter Haddock Fishery of New England 1881
HERRING (Use back button to return)
Notes on the herring fishery of Massachusetts Bay Autumn of 1882.
The Sardine Canning Industry of Eastport. A petition to the Secretary of the Treasury
Notes on certain fishery Industries of Eastport Maine in 1886
LOBSTER (Use back button to return)
Notes on the Decrease in Lobsters 1884
Notes on the Lobster (Homarus americanus) (In New Brunswick, Canada)1885
The Protection of the Lobster Fishery. 1897
On The Movements Of Certain Lobsters Liberated At Woods Hole, During The Summer Of 1898.
The Lobster Fishery of Maine. 1899
The Reproductive Period in the Lobster. 1901
MACKEREL (Use back button to return)
Coal Ashes as a means of raising mackerel in purse seines.
Notes on the Mackerel Fishery of 1881
Movement and Catch of Mackerel 1882
Questions Relative to the Mackerel and Mackeral Fisheries 1887
Notes on the Movements, Habits and Captures of Mackerel for the Season of 1882 Part 1 ***Part 2
Note on the Destruction of Mackerel by Dogfish. 1885
Young Mackerel destroyed by small mesh seines.1886
MENHADEN (Use back button to return)
The Origin of the Menhaden Industry.
An opinion regarding the influence upon the coast fisheries of the steamers used in the Menhaden Fishery.
Why the size of mesh in menhaden seines should not be restricted.
Experience of a Menhaden Oil Manufacturer on Northumberland County, Virginia.
Do Striped Bass (Roccus Linneatus) feed on Menhaden?
The incipiency of the menhaden oil business.
The injurious effect of menhaden steamers upon the food fisheries.
Why menhaden seining should not be prohibited within two miles of the shore.
SALMON & TROUT (Use back button to return)
Connection of abundance of moss and black flies with abundance of trout 1878
Memorandum of some results for the artificial propagation and planting of fish from 1871 to 1881. (whitefish, salmon, trout, shad, catfish)
Sketch of the Penobscot Salmon-breeding Establishment 1883
Segregation of the Sexes of Trout 1885
Report on the Schoodic Salmon Work of 1884-85
Culture of Landlocked and Penobscot Salmon in New Hampshire 1885
Young Trout Destroyed By Mosquitoes. 1885
Report on the Distribution of Fish and Eggs by the U.S. Fish Commission for the season of 1885-86.
Methods employed at Craig Brook Station in rearing young Salmonid fishes. 1893
Notes on the Capture of Atlantic Salmon at Sea & in the Coast Waters of the Eastern States 1894
The Salmon Fishery of Penobscot Bay and River 1895-1896
The Giant Scallop Fishery of Maine. 1889
The Clam Problem and Clam Culture. 1899
Observations On The Life-History Of The Common Clam, Mya Arenaria. 1899
The capture of shad at Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire.
Do Striped Bass (Roccus lineatus) Feed on Menhaden? 1883
Catching Alewives with Hooks Baited with Eels 1884
Restocking the Merrimac River with Lamprey Eels. 1885
Results of planting shad in the Kennebec River. 1887
Some Notes on American Shipworms 1897
The Reappearance of the Tilefish.1898
Description of a New Oceanic Fish Found off Southern New England. 1901
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole. 1901
The Reactions Of Copepods To Various Stimuli And The Bearing Of This On Daily Depth-Migrations.1901
Protection of Whales (off Norway) 1881
An account of the whale fishery of Nantucket, Mass., one hundred years ago. Pub'd 1883
Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1886.
Injuries to the Fisheries in the Baltic by Seals. 1887
FISHING GEAR (Use back button to return)
Cod-fishing with gill-nets in Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts.
The Destruction of Young Fish by Unsuitable Fishing Implements. 1881
A New Process of Drying Fish. 1883
Notes on the History of the Fish-hook 1884
GEOGRAPHY (Use back button to return)
Gulf of Maine model made for the US Fish Commission 1883
Notes on the Freshwater Fishes of Washington County. 1884
Fishing in the Navigable Waters of the United States. 1886
Notes on an 1885 Investigation of the Great Fishing Banks of the Western Atlantic 1886
The decrease of food fishes in American Waters and some of the causes. 1893
Our Ocean Fisheries and the Effect of Legislation upon the Fisheries. 1893
GLOUCESTER FISH LANDINGS 1881-1890 (Use back button to return)
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester Massachusetts. 4 Apr 16 to Apr 30, 1881
Notes on New England Fisheries August 1881
Notes on the Gloucester Fisheries. February 19, 1882.
Fishery Notes from Gloucester Massachusetts. Feb 27 1882
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester Mass April 1882
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass June/July 1882.
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. August-December 1882
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. January-May 1883
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. June-July 1883
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. August-October 1883
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. October 13, 1883 - November 13, 1883
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. January 1, 1884 - April 3, 1884.
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts April 4 - July 27 1884
Notes on the Fisheries of Gloucester, Mass. August 24-Sept 8, 1884
New England Fisheries from January to March 1885
New England Fisheries in April 1885
New England Fisheries in May 1885
New England Fisheries in January 1886
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts January 1887
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts February 1887
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts March 1887
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts April 1887
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts May 1887
Fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts June 1887
Report on the Fisheries of the New England States 1890
Catch of Fish in Newfoundland and Labrador 1881
The Fisheries of Canada in 1884
POLLUTION (Use back button to return)
Dead Fish on the Coast of Rhode Island
The fish-eating cows of Provincetown, Massachusetts 1881
Connection of abundance of moss and of black flies with abundance of trout. 1882
Description of an eel-like creature taken in a net at New Harbor, Maine, in 1880. Pub'd 1883
Artificial culture of medicinal leeches and of species of Helix.February 9, 1882.
Notes on the History of the Fish Hook. 1884
On the Occurrence of Coral on the Grand Banks. 1884
Young Trout Destroyed by Mosquitoes. 1885
Resolution asking for the Abrogation of the Fishery Clause of the Washington Treaty of 1871. (1885)
Foul Fish and Filth Fevers. 1893
Scanned from the original texts and uploaded to the internet in 2004-2005 by Ron Huber, ...Penobscot Bay Watch, Rockland Maine.
By Captain E. W. DeBlois. January 24, 1880.
by J.W. Hawkins. January 20. 1882
by Daniel T. Church [From a letter to Prof S.F. Baird, August 18, 1882]
By William R. Polk October 12, 1882
By Gideon Mosher [From replies to questions in a pamphlet furnished by Joseph Church, and entitled "The menhaden question." December 26, 1882]
by E. L. Barker [From a letter to Prof S.F. Baird, December 28, 1882]
by John O. Babbitt, January 8, 1883
By Joseph Wharton. [From a letter to Prof. S.F. Baird.January 13, 1883]
By Cedric Laighton