
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine (In alphabetical order)
Abner Ground
Acre, The
Allens Shoal
Andrews Shoal
Apron The
Artimon Bank
Baker's Island Ridge
Bald Ridges
Bank Comfort
Banks Ground
Barley Hill Ground
Barnum Head Grnd
Bay of Fundy
Beaver Harbor
Ben's Ground
Big Ridge Doggetts
Big Ridge (Cashes)
Black Island Ground
Black Ledges Grnd
Blue Clay
Blue Ground
Blue Hill Ground
Boar Head Ground
Boon Island Rock Ground
Bounties, The
Boutens, Inner and Outer
Brewers Spot
Broken Ground
Broken Ground
Broken Ridges
Browns Bank
Bulkhead Rips
Bumbo, Outer and Inner
Burnt Island Inner Ridge
Burnt Island Outer Ridge
Bull Ground

Cape Porpoise Pks
Cards Reef
Cashes Bank
Cashes Ridge, East
Cashes NW Ridge
Cashes Big Ridge
Clarks Ground
Clay Bank
Clay Ridge
Coast Nova Scotia
Cod Ledges
Cod Ridge
Cove (S.E. Jeffreys)
Cove (W. Jeffreys)
Cow Ground
Crab Bank
Crie Ridges
Cusk Ridge
Davis Bank
Deckers Shoal
Doggetts Ridge
Drunken Ledge (Drunkers)
Duck Island Ridges ,
Dump, The
Eagle Island Ground
Eagle Ridge
Eastern Shoal Water, Cape Ann
East Side Cape Cod
Egg Rock Broken Ground
Elbow, The
Enochs Shoal
Fifty-five Fathom
Fire Ground
Flat Ground
Flat Ledge
Forty-five Fathom
Franklin Ground
Freemans Ground

Gannet Rock
Garden, The
Georges Bank
German Bank
Gilkey Ground
Grand Manan
Grand Manan Bank
Gravel Bottom
Great Ledge
Great Rip
Green Ground
Green Island Ridge
Gully, The
Haddock Nubble
Hake Ground
Handspike Ground
Harris Ground
Harts Ground
Harvey Blacks Ridge
Hatchell Ground
Head and Horns
Henry Gallants Ridge
Henry Marshalls
Henrys Rock
Hill Ground
Howard Nunans Ridge
Hue and Cry
Ingalls Shoal
Inner Bank
Inner and Outer Boutens
Inner Breaker
Inner and Outer Bumbo
Inner Fall
Inner Grounds
Inner Horse Reef
Inner Kettle
lnner Schoodic Ridge
Ipswich Bay
Isle au Haute (Ca)
Inner Sandy Cove

Jeffreys Bank
Jeffreys Ledge
Jerry Yorks Ridge
Joe Ray Ground
John Dyers Ridge
Johns Head Ground
Jones Ground
Kettle Bottom, Outer
Kettle Bottom, Inner
Laisdells Ground
La Have
La Have Ridges
Little Hill Ground
Little Georges
Little Jeffrey
Little La Have
Long Hill Ground
Lukes Rock
Lurcher Shoal
Machias Seal Island
Madisons Spot
Marblehead Bank
Martins Ground
Massachusetts Bay
Matinic Bank
Matinic Ooze
Matinicus SSW
Maurice Lubees Ridge
McIntire Reef
Middle Bank
Middle Ground
Middle Ridge
Middle Shoal
Minerva Hub
Misaine Bank
Mistaken Ground
Monhegan Inner SSE
Monhegan Outer SSE
Monhegan Southeast

Monhegan Inner SSW
Monhegan Outer SSW
Monhegan Western Ground
Morris Ledge
Mosers Ledge
Mount Desert Inner Ridge
Mount Desert Outer Ridge
Mud Hake Grounds
Murray Hole
Murre Hub
Mussel Shoal
Nantucket Shoals
Newfound Ground (Fundy)
Newfound Ground (MDI)
New Ledge
New Meadows Channel
Nipper Ground
North Shore of Nova Scotia
Northwest Ledge
0ld Egg Rock
Old Jeffrey
Old Mans Pasture
Old Orchard Ground
Old Ripper
Old Southeast
Ornes Ground
Otter Island Reef
Outer Bumbo
Outer Boutens
Outer Crab Ledge
Outer Ground
Outer Horse Reef
Outer Kettle
Outer Schoodic Ridge
Outer Shoal
Passamaquoddy Bay
Peters Bank
Petersons Ground
Phelps Bank
Pigeon Ground
Platts Bank
Pollock Hub
Pollock Rip
Potatoe Patch
Quaco Ledges
Ridge, The Big
Ridge, East Cashes
Ridge, North Georges
Ridge, Northwest Cashes
Ridge, South Fippenies
Ridge, Three-dory
Rock Cod Ledge
Rose and Crown
Saddleback Reef
Salmon Netting Ground
Sand Shoal
Sandy Cove
Scandinavian Bank
Seal Island Ground
Seguin Ground
Seguin Hub
Seguin Ridge
Seguin SSW
Shoal Ground
Shell Ground
Si's Spot
Skate Bank
Snipper Shin
Southeast Ground
Southeast Jeffreys
Southeast Ledge
Southeast Rip
Southeast Rock
Southern Head Reef
South Shoal
Southwest Ground
Southwest Rock
Southwest Ledges
Spencer Island
Steamboat Ground
Stellwagen Bank
Summer Hake Ground
Tag Ground
Temple Ledge
Ten Acre
Three-dory Ridge
Tibbett's Ledge
Tillies Bank
Tobins Bank
Toothaker Ridge
Tower Ground
Towhead Ground
Trinity Shoal
Wells Bay
Western Bank
Western Egg Rock

Western Point Ridge
Western Reef
Western Ridge
White Head Grounds
White Island Ground
Wildcat Ridge
WNW Rips
Wolves Bank
Wood Island Ground
Winker Ground