* Davidoff
* Monhegan Birds Pfeiffer 2010
* Monhegan Gomoos buoy Sept Oct 2010
* Monhegan Gomoos buoy Sept Oct 2010
* Lobster larvae transport. Xue &cousins
* Lobster larvae migration Xue
* Huber V BPL Petition Brief 080410
* Gulf of Maine circulation image
* Ocean WIndmills' climate impact. Wang & Prinn, 2009
* Federal/state MOU for coordinated renewable energy on the US OCS
* PBW's Monhegan Environmental Assessment doc
* Monhegan Bird sightings Magarian July/October 2010
* BOEMRE's Aditi Mirani transcript 9/14/10
* Maine Offshore Groundfishers' map
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (h)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (g)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 *(f)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (e)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (d)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (c)
* Monhegan ebird 2009-2010 (b)